Kids Benefit More from Making School Lunches | Mom Free School Lunch
I have 3 kids and I haven’t made a school lunch in 18 years. What?! I know! I spend my mornings getting ready for my workday. The kids prepare their own school lunches and have since Kindergarten. Over the years, we’ve discovered that the kids benefit more from making school lunches than if I had made them. Friends would take pity on my kids for having to get themselves ready for school, and for having to make their own lunches. I could have made their lunches, and could have gotten up early every morning to do this, but why? I remember sitting down for lunch when I was in school,…
The Truth About Clutter | How Clutter Affects Home and Office Life
It’s obvious that clutter is a clear sign of disorganization. Science has proven time and again that disorganization affects productivity, but there is so much more! Here I dig into the truth about clutter, and how clutter affects home and office life. The human body likes to function as an organized, orderly process so chaos doesn’t occur. It makes sense that it easier for us to go with the flow when there is more organization, process, and order. If that is the case, why do we allow clutter to mess it up and create levels of chaos? The truth is we get used to the clutter and get comfortable doing more…
Understanding the True Value of Your Time
When we justify the value of objects that are purchased we look at the quality, the cost, and the useful life of the item. If the useful life brings a return that is deemed worthy of the cost then it may be beneficial. How do you value something that is extremely precious and finite? Something that once used never returns? Time is limited for everyone, it is a finite resource. One that we take for granted, regularly. I was originally going to just discuss how to calculate the value of your time. It is simple to put into numbers when you look at the dollars: your hourly rate that you are…
5 Reasons to Start Meal Planning Today|Helpful Guide to Avoid Fast Food
When you have a busy life, it can be difficult to eat healthily and stay on budget. It can certainly be easier to order take-out or to warm up pre-packaged meals, but in the long run, you are spending more money on food that isn’t healthy for you or your family. As a working mother of 3, I found it stressful to figure out what to make for dinner after a long day of work. The meal had to be easy to prepare and eaten before we had to leave for their planned activities. The meal also had to have ingredients that we could find in the kitchen. When there wasn’t…
Plan Routines First to Optimize Time | Best Scheduling Rules Ever
Scheduling your time is important to ensure you achieve your goals and staying productive. Most of us aren’t scheduling the right way. We look at schedules to plan events, but we really need to plan routines first to optimize our time. These are the best scheduling rules ever! There are some pitfalls that we all tend to fall into when using a schedule: Let others dictate our schedule, Rarely plan for contingencies, Over-commit ourselves leaving very little time to take care of ourselves. Don’t worry I’m guilty of doing this too, so you aren’t alone. It isn’t too late to break these bad habits and get the most out of your…
Delegation that Works for Home and the Office | Focus on Compassion
Delegation is tough when you hold on to expectations for a specific outcome. There is so much more to delegation than just about freeing your time for more productive work. The Dalai Lama believes that compassion is one of the keys to happiness, and happiness leads to more compassion. How can delegation to all areas of our life, help us lead a happier more fulfilling life? Here we learn that if we focus on compassion, then you have a delegation that works at home and the office. This post may include affiliate links. I only recommend products that I love. All opinions are genuine. Any purchases made don’t cost you…
Create a Digital Family Cookbook | Never Losing Favorite Online Recipes
*Updated April 2020* Have you been in this situation? You are tired of rotating the same meals every week. You find yourself searching for new ideas so that meals are not so boring. That was me. I was tired of cooking them and eating them. Life was busy but we were trying to eat healthier and save money so avoiding the drive-thru was necessary. We needed a solution. I had cookbooks but had trouble finding simple meals that would work for our busy lives. Searching online for new recipe ideas was an easy solution, but not so easy to keep these recipes organized. I found myself needing a simple solution…
Simple Bill Management System | Budget Tips for Busy Homes
The thought of keeping track of bill payment schedules on top of family and work schedules is too much for already busy families. There has to be a better way to budget payments, be on time with payments, and plan for those sports registration fees! One that didn’t take away hours of the fun time we could be spending as a family. This is a simple bill management system; budget tips for busy homes. This simple method worked for our family so that we had better control of our finances while being able to plan for big expenses. As a bonus, it freed up our schedule so that we had…
Balance is a Must for Your Well-Being
Trying to maintain a balance between work, home, and our relationships is difficult and as mothers, we can frequently forget how balance is important to well-being. Our mental and physical well-being, our productivity in our work and home life, and the strength of our relationships depend on us maintaining balance. Have you ever felt like if you didn’t keep going then everything would fall apart? Schedules wouldn’t happen at home, the house would be a disaster, work would get behind, and the kids… Have you looked back on your week and watched yourself distanced from your family, distracted by what you thought at the time to be something more important?…
Mail and Email Organizing Tips | Tips for Managing Mail and Email
It doesn’t matter if it is traditional mail or email, they both breed chaos and add stress if not managed properly. What do you do if organizing mail or email is low on the priority for your busy family? Are you tired of the piles of mail on the coffee table, and a massive inbox that is out of control? Here are some simple tips for managing mail and email. Paper… Endless Paper Traditional mail, bills, junk mail, school paperwork, registration sheets, and magazines can clutter any flat surface quickly if not managed. It can also be a time waster when not managed. Have you ever spent more time than you…