Your journey awaits

I see you. You are tired of barely surviving your day, just to hit repeat the next day. Your soul is calling out for you to live your purpose, yet you are struggling to figure out what that is. The hustle isn’t what you want in life anymore, you long for more flow and less guesswork as to what to do next. What used to be easy isn’t easy anymore, but you know deep down you have it in you to be the change YOU need. I’ll give you the straight Soul Talk while teaching you practical methods to Soul-Align your life.

It's possible we haven't met yet, but I know YOU.

You’ve spent years doing what was needed in the day, often putting your needs last. 

Past trauma or pain, added to the generational challenges you faced growing up, have made it challenging to rise above and grow personally, but you have done what you could with the tools that you discovered.

You are tired of just surviving life and deep down your soul is calling you to live bigger.

There is a reason our paths have crossed. Nothing is a coincidence.

You want more flow and ease in life. You desire to rise above the constant struggle and have the confidence to move forward with life goals.

It is time to step away from living behind your shadow self and shed the baggage you’ve been carrying.

AND No, it isn’t too late to Soul-Align your life!

Your Journey is PERFECT for YOU

The burnout, the overwhelm and the emotional rollercoaster of feelings is a sign that you are in the perfect moment for taking that step towards healing. 

Your Soul is calling out to you to discover how to live in Divine flow and bring balance to the energies naturally flowing through you.

And that requires you to BE STILL and STOP the Self-Judgement.

The constant searching for the perfect solution to how to fix yourself or fix your situation is old news.

Your Soul is whispering the answers within you.

And that requires you to get comfortable enough to TRUST yourself.

This Soul-Aligning journey will the hardest and most terrifying opportunity you will ever face, but also the MOST FULFILLING and REWARDING.



Your Soul shines brightly within you, allowing you to see the healing opportunities meant to help you rise able the struggle.


Your unique Soul came to Earth to share it's unique gifts with the world. Let's unearth those gifts and let them shine.


If you weren't self-aware you wouldn't be answering your Soul's messages to be the change YOU need.

BUT, I also know you are struggling because you're:

constantly hustling

Hustling has become a habit and you have trouble sitting still. You NEED to move or you feel lazy, or non-productive.

energetically imbalanced

You are emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted from trying to fix everything yet feeling like you are spinning your wheels.


You can be surrounded by people yet feel alone. Yet being alone is extremely uncomfortable and disheartening.

nothing seems easy

What was easy before, isn't easy anymore. The challenges seem impossible to overcome the longer you struggle to find the solution.

distractions everywhere

It is easy to distract yourself by doing things that don't matter, yet you know deep down it because you are avoiding what matters.

constantly trying to "fit"

You are constantly looking to others to help solve your issues or to help you "fit in". There is a disconnect between you and your intuition.

The Straight Soul Talk

Although your Soul has taken a beating, it is still hanging onto the hope that you will step forward and say “I’m ready for more”. Your Soul is calling out to you to live your purpose, to heal from past pain and trauma, and to be the change YOU need.

To take these steps you do not need to fix yourself, you don’t need to fit your lifestyle to someone else’s definition of perfection, and you certainly don’t need to filter who you are to be successful.


The answers you are seeking are always within you. The incredible gifts you are intended to use, and your unique talents that only you can let shine are waiting to be unlocked and discovered. They are hidden underneath all of the doubt, hustle, pain, trauma, and misaligned beliefs holding you back from creating a life you love.

As your guide, I’m here to help you decode these patterns and energetic imbalances that are holding you back. Not only that, I will teach you how to decode them yourself and how to empower yourself to Soul-Align your life.


Yes, you can learn how to do this on your own. The ancient spiritual wisdom that I teach is available for you to learn. However:  

  • Accountability is extremely helpful when you are faced with a pandora’s box of emotions and past trauma. 
  • Having an experienced guide that knows how to decode the energies fast-tracks the timeline for figuring things out yourself.
  • Support is there when your brain is resisting change and all you see is a brick wall.
  • One of my talents is being able to not only teach ancient spiritual wisdom so it resonates with your modern self, but I can see patterns and decode energies.

**Disclaimer** I will not do the work for you unless you opt for Reiki healing as part of your package. The goal is to teach you how to decode the energies within you and energetically bring more balance and Divine flow within your Soul-Aligned life. 


What is Next for Your Journey?

This 1:1 experience is a customized journey with me walking by your side, as you deeply connect with your higher self and transform your life from struggle to Soul-Aligned. I personally guide you to discover your soul purpose and teach you to decode your energies so you can achieve your life goals. There are limited spots available.

  • personal coaching focused on YOU
  • unlimited access to me as you progress through all levels of your transformation
  • 1:1 calls as needed on your journey
  • access to all training
  • Bonus: Chakra Cleanse & Flow to kick-start your journey
    (6-months, $5000 or $850 per month)

Empowerment Awaits YOU!

It takes courage and determination to fight for a better you, for as long as you have fought. What if I told you that you can stop fighting, without giving up on yourself?

What you need to do is STOP and LISTEN to your inner powers and just BE the change YOU need.

When you master that, you are also the change the world needs.


When you do that others around you start to heal as well. 

This ripple effect is the most powerful way to influence change within the world. 

I have over 25 years coaching people within the business world to be productive and to streamline their processes to get the most out of their day. But the biggest productive tool I use today is teaching a tool that isn’t a new “fad”, but ancient spiritual wisdom.  Through deep inner healing, I was guided by my ancestors and spirit guides to learn this method of energetic healing and transformation.

I don’t do the work for you. In fact, my method of coaching is to help you learn how to decode the energies holding you back. I don’t use any woo-woo magic to fix your issues. The coaching methods I practice are used to resonate and provide deep healing within you, and it works for all walks of life.

This ancient spiritual wisdom is all-inclusive, nonreligious, and accessible to everyone willing to take the steps to learn and apply it.  It brings freedom from internal imbalances and outside experiences and teaches you to tap into your natural Divine Powers. I bring clarity to the energetic mysteries and help you learn how to decode them yourself for every level of transformation you experience. 

Still not sure?

I’ve created space in my schedule for you to connect with me. Click on the button below and book a Complimentary Clarity Call and let’s get to know one another. No obligation – just you and me seeing if we are the right fit.

Certified Life Coach excited to assist in your transformation.
Certified Reiki Master Practitioner using Universal Energy as a natural healing modality
Over 25 Years as an Industrial Engineer, helping businesses improve their productivity.