Connection for Direction

Big changes in life need cleansing for energetic alignment. I have been guided to do exactly this, for not only my journey ahead, but to help you with your journey ahead. There are Alignment Resources available for you and you have been given unlimited access to all that is available within this container. Don’t forget about the blog as it contains many helpful tips and guidance for moving forward. 

When you are on a transformative journey, actively receiving guidance and connection from a Master Teacher, is extremely powerful for helping you to stay the course along your chosen path. 

There are two Connection for Direction opportunities: Energy Healing Tips and Manifestation Guidance, and the Hygge Journey Challenge. 

The Hygge Journey Challenge is your PREMIUM Connection for Direction opportunity as it includes both forms of connection. The challenge itself is a weekly challenge that will help you intentionally bring balance to your life. Each month has a theme and we explore manifestations and growth opportunities that connect to the Hygge Journey specifically.

The Energy Healing Tips and Manifestation Guidance will bring to you information from various resources and experts to help you along the journey. If your goal is to create a life you love, that is heart centered and aligned with your soul, then I highly recommend either of these Connection for Direction opportunities. The choice is yours.

Lady Jacqueline has lived many lives as an Engineer, Medical Professional, Divine Master Teacher, and Divine Healer. In this life, she has had the the honor of being a Professional Industrial Engineer that helped businesses improve their productivity and efficiencies through process design. After a deep calling to follow her purpose, she has transformed her career into helping people manifest abundance, joy, happiness, and prosperity. Now Lady Jacqueline has been called to continue helping others decode the energies within their lives. She believes in empowering all to use practical methods that work within ALL aspects of their life. Your passions are meant to flow throughout your life, after all, Energy is everything and Experience is energy.