This family scheduling tool simplified life for my busy mom life. It reduced my stress and helped keep my family and home life organized. #familyscheduletips #homeorganizationtips #momhacks #planningtools #schedulingtools #familyorganizer #seekingsimplelife
Manifesting for Life

Prepare for Back-to-School Schedules | Reduce Mom Overwhelm Using Cozi

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The fall mayhem is stressful for busy moms. A family schedule is the single most important organizing tool to prepare for back-to-school schedules. Finding a way to share the planning role simplifies life and saves time for busy moms.

As a busy mom myself, I understand how important a family schedule is for keeping my sanity. I also know that preparing for back-to-school is much more than just getting school supplies.

August is always filled with mixed feelings for our family. We want to continue enjoying the relaxed schedule but need to start preparing for the school year.

The pending school start brings on preparations so we are ready for back-to-school routines. School supplies and bedtime routines, not to mention going through the clothes to see what fits and what they can get away with wearing until after the next growth spurt.

Preparing for the back-to-school schedule used to cause feelings of overwhelm as I thought about the upcoming busy months ahead. All I wanted to do was continue enjoying the relaxing summer months but I knew that getting organized with a family schedule would keep my sanity intact during the next 10 months.

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According to the latest 2018 survey from Cozi, I’m not alone. Getting an organized family schedule is the first priority for 38.9% of the busy moms surveyed. The survey also indicated that moms wanted to get back into routines but they were also going to miss the relaxed summer months. I can relate to that feeling, 100%!

The family schedule I was using was functional, but it wasn’t working very well for our family. We needed a shared solution so we could improve the communication and I could share the planning role. The biggest hurdle I had for making the leap to another calendar was the added worry of possibly forgetting something from the calendar.

I’ve got your back! There is a FREE family schedule checklist ready for you down below, so you don’t have to worry as much as I did. 


Reduce Mom Overwhelm Using Cozi

The day I found the FREE Cozi Family Organizer was truly a digital lifesaver for my family. At the time we had 3 kids in 3 different schools and after-school activities. The kids were competing in activities and most weekends were busy with events along with our own crazy work schedules. Life was pretty overwhelming at times and I needed a solution.

I was tired of being the only person in the family to answer the “do we have plans?” question. I also needed a way to plan the meals for the week and create a grocery list while unexpectedly out of town, so my husband could do the weekly grocery shop.

Get Cozi - it's free!

The solution for us was the Cozi Family Organizer and this FREE app has been the single biggest help simplifying our life to date. We use the:

  • shared family schedule on everyone’s devices capturing work shifts, events, after-school activities, annual bill reminders and much more.
  • shared to-do list for preparing for vacations
  • individual to-do lists to help our kids morning routines and their school assignment/test reminders
  • share shopping list so everyone can add what they need without having the 50 different shopping lists in my purse!
  • and much more

Prepare for Back-to-School Schedules

As a busy mom, I know what it is like to have a family schedule tool that isn’t working perfectly, but the thought of having to change is overwhelming. I would worry about missing something transferring the schedule over (there is a FREE Family Schedule Checklist for you below).

I discovered that the time shaved by sharing the planning role was worth the switch. Not to mention the weight lifted off my shoulders knowing that I could rely on a single source of family schedule communicating events during busy times of the school year.

This Free Cozi Family Organizer App simplified my life and it is one of the biggest recommendations I have for anyone. Even my parents use it for my Dad’s ever-changing shift schedule.

What are you using to plan your family schedule?

Before You Go


This family scheduling tool simplified life for my busy mom life. It reduced my stress and helped keep my family and home life organized. #familyscheduletips #homeorganizationtips #momhacks #planningtools #schedulingtools #familyorganizer #seekingsimplelife Finally get the family schedule organized by using this FREE app and downloading a FREE checklist to get your schedule organized. #familyscheduletips #homeorganizationtips #momhacks #planningtools #schedulingtools #familyorganizer #seekingsimplelifeThis family scheduling tool simplified life for my busy mom life. It reduced my stress and helped keep my family and home life organized. #familyscheduletips #homeorganizationtips #momhacks #planningtools #schedulingtools #familyorganizer #seekingsimplelife

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