Family Hygge or Date Night | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
This simple tradition is possible when making a family Hygge or date night a regular occurrence. This simple routine helps build relationships.
Discovering the Power of Books | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
Day 20 of my 30 days of Hygge challenge was unplugging from technology and delving into a book. Today, we are discovering the power of books for our mental health. I’m a big reader but remember a time in my life where I struggled with reading. I was a late bloomer to books and hated reading out loud in class. However, when I was a teen I discovered that I enjoyed shutting the drama-filled world off and getting lost in a book. The world in those books was relaxing. I could forget the drama going on in my real life. The bullying was forgotten while I entered the world in…
Do You Offer Food for Afternoon Visits | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
I’m on day 19 of my 30 days of Hygge challenge and struggled with today’s task. If you aren’t sure what Hygge life is then you aren’t alone. I didn’t know either until recently and was intrigued enough to do a deep dive as part of my life goals for this year. Today’s task was to fill the pantry with ingredients or snacks to offer guests when they come for an afternoon visit. Do you offer food for afternoon visits? When I was growing up, I was always told to offer food and something to drink to your visitors. It was rude not to offer something. According to the Hygge…
How to Bring Nature Indoors | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
Connecting with nature is a large part of Hygge lifestyle, so learning how to bring nature indoors will help make your home Hygge worthy. We live in a world where we spend a large part of our days indoors. Science has proven that being close to nature benefits our mental health. If we have an urban life, how can be close to nature more often? City lights Unnatural light Traffic noise Concrete This is what living in an urban area includes. It takes creativity, and intentional decisions to seek out nature. With the drive to live a greener lifestyle, many designers are striving to include nature in their building designs…
Spreading happiness is Hygge | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
Everyone needs a positive influence in their life. Studies show that negativity is 4 times more powerful than the positive. Have you worked in a negative environment? Or are you around negative people constantly? It drains you and your personal outlook on life is pretty dim. That’s why learning how to spread happiness is so important, for us and others. It doesn’t surprise me that spreading happiness is Hygge. How can we do that after a long workday and we are drained? The long list of things busy moms need to do after they get home from work just adds to the stress. Do we need to add one more?…
Picnics and Bonfires are Hygge | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
It’s day 16 of my 30 days of Hygge challenge and I’ve survived the change in routines so far. Some tasks aren’t much different than my normal routines, like my evening routines. Others take some intentional decisions to do the task of the day and making the effort to learn from the experience. During today’s task, the family discovered that picnics and bonfires are Hygge. Why are they Hygge though? What makes picnics and bonfires Hygge? By answering this question, and giving you some ideas for creating a simple picnic for the family I hope you will be inspired to have your own picnic or bonfire. This post may include…
Hygge Evening Routines | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
If you are following my 30 days of Hygge challenge, welcome back! If this is the first time joining me, welcome! Once I discovered what is Hygge life, I decided I needed to test if my typical routines aligned with a Hygge lifestyle. I’m on Day 15 of the 30 days of Hygge challenge and today’s challenge was to create an evening routine. The evening routine was to center around relaxation. I wasn’t tasked to work on the endless things moms feel they need to do before going to bed. “All the things” needed to wait for another day. The evening routine was to start an hour or two before…
An Active Lifestyle is Hygge | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
When most people think about Hygge they think about being curled up in the comfy furniture, under a blanket with hot chocolate in front of the fire. They aren’t wrong, this is a small part of living a Hygge lifestyle. However, the Danes balance that comfortable relaxing with being active in their daily lives. Having an active lifestyle is Hygge too. It’s Day 14 of my 30 days of Hygge challenge and I was tasked to be more active. I’ll be honest with you, I wasn’t interested in doing this task after being on my feet for a 10-hour workday. My feet were not thrilled with me at all! I…
The Ultimate Hygge Movie Night | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
Spending time with loved ones is very Hygge. Spending time outdoors is very Hygge. What if you combine them? The result is the ultimate Hygge movie night! I’m on Day 13 of my 30 days of Hygge Challenge and we are tasked tonight to do a movie night outdoors. There are a few ways you can do this yourself and I’ve listed them below. However, you choose to do your ultimate Hygge movie night, spend that time with your spouse, your family, or a friend. Enjoy the movie. Laugh, cry, cuddle, and take in every moment. You deserve this time with them! They deserve this time with you! Make memories.…
Bubbles and Bath Salts are Hygge | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
I’m going to get right to the point. Today’s task in my 30 days of Hygge challenge just got real. I thought a family game night during the week was a challenge, but finding time for a bath is hard for this busy mom! However, if bubbles and bath salts are Hygge and it will help slow life down, I’ll complete the task. Why is it that busy moms put themselves last on the list? How hard is a bubble bath really? It’s hard! (or is this just me!) Don’t get me wrong. I love a great bubble bath. In fact, the new bathroom reno in our basement will have…