Routines Are Good For You | Improving Life With A Growth Mindset
Are routines bad for you? Some people say they stifle creativity and make you less productive. I disagree. Routines are good for you when they are used with a growth mindset. Recently I saw a statement that routines need to be eliminated to be most productive in life. At first, I was shocked that someone would think that. I couldn’t get this out of my mind. I found myself trying to understand why they would make that statement. The thought wouldn’t leave me alone. I finally figured out why this person made that statement. However, I disagree with their thought process. I’ll explain further but first, let’s define routines. What…
Rediscovering Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
Have you been asking yourself, “what do I want to be when I grow up?”. Don’t feel bad, rediscovering passions is a cycle many adults repeat regularly. Figuring out what you want out of your life is a journey many of us revisit over the years. We ask ourselves what more we can do in life to feel fulfilled or successful. Wondering what more there is in life, or if we are on the right path. This is the first of a four-part Goal Setting & Tracking Series. Welcome! The other articles can be found here: Rediscovering Your Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series (this one) Potential Barriers Challenging…
How to Meal Plan | Simple Meal Planning Method
Not sure how to meal plan? Meal planning doesn’t need to be complicated or a lot of work. Finding a simple meal planning method that works for you is one of the secrets to a simple life journey. When I started thinking about meal planning I kept putting it off because I thought it would take too much time – time I didn’t have! The truth is I wasted more time worrying about what’s for dinner every night and the benefits of meal planning are far greater. I worked out a simple meal planning method that wouldn’t be complicated; one that I could teach the family when life was chaotic.…
7 Signs You Need A Coach | Striving To Be Your Best Self
Coaches aren’t limited to the successful people in the world. Many think they need to figure life out on their own and are still struggling unnecessarily. If this is you, is it time to look at the signs you need a coach? Successful businesses, athletes, and influencers join forces with coaches to help them see what is stopping them from being productive and achieving their next level of success. But why does the average person not think they are worthy of the same service? What is a Coach? A coach is someone that leads through collaboration. They help you discover what barriers are preventing your success and help you determine how…
How to Help Teens with Back-to-school Anxiety | Parenting a Teen can be Hard
Parenting a teen can be hard sometimes. Understanding how to help teens with back-to-school anxiety teaches mindfulness and opens communication within the family. There are a few steps we have used over the years to help coach our teens through their back-t0-school anxiety. Starting a new school is never easy and when you are a teen going through hormonal changes everything can seem overwhelming. I didn’t think I was going to be prepared for the teen years, but I found myself more prepared than I thought. I attribute that to having children that hated change most of their lives. We started coaching them through small bouts of anxiety when they…
Does Work-Life Balance Exist? | Finding Balance In Your Life
Does work-life balance exist? Many people believe it is a myth, but it isn’t when you truly look at what balance truly means. Finding balance in your life will help simplify life. Many people will say that balance doesn’t exist and that it is a myth. Honestly, I’ve believed them and even said it recently in an article. I was wrong! I’ll explain why I was wrong and then I will provide more insight into answering the question, “does work-life balance exist?”. If you are struggling to find balance and don’t know where to begin, take the pillars of balance quiz and it will help you figure out what areas of…
Prepare for Back-to-School Schedules | Reduce Mom Overwhelm Using Cozi
The fall mayhem is stressful for busy moms. A family schedule is the single most important organizing tool to prepare for back-to-school schedules. Finding a way to share the planning role simplifies life and saves time for busy moms. As a busy mom myself, I understand how important a family schedule is for keeping my sanity. I also know that preparing for back-to-school is much more than just getting school supplies. August is always filled with mixed feelings for our family. We want to continue enjoying the relaxed schedule but need to start preparing for the school year. The pending school start brings on preparations so we are ready for back-to-school…
5 Habits Hurting Career Goals | Make the Decision to Improve Your Career
There are 5 habits hurting career goals and impeding productivity at work. Most people automatically think habits are always bad, but they aren’t. The truth is we have many habits in our life that help us get through the day without suffering from complete brain exhaustion by lunchtime. Habits are powerful routines that the brain loves, but they can be either extremely good or harmful for you. There are many habits we can delve into but that would distract me from the goal of this post (see what I did there? – pun intended). Habits Hurting Career Goals Honestly, there are many more habits I could add to this list…
Back-to-School Preparation Tips for Parents | Reduce Overwhelm for the Family
Back-to-school preparation tips for parents are more than what school supplies to get and meet the teacher. Finding ways to simplify life for you and your child is essential for a successful school year. Now that you have found ways to not overschedule your family, I thought you might like some of my back-to-school preparation tips for parents. These are the techniques and tools my family uses to help reduce overwhelm during the school year. I’m a working mother of 3 kids and my husband and I found that life could get pretty crazy during the school year. There were years that we had 3 kids in 3 different schools.…
How to Slow Life Down | Creating a Lifestyle That You Will Love
It is easy to get caught up with the busy life and become overwhelmed with everything that “needs” to get done. It is also easy to live your life doing the same thing day in and day out and find yourself sucked into boredom, potentially leading you to depression. Learning how to slow life down is one way to start living your life again; enjoying life, building strong relationships, and truly be happy. Boredom Depression Overwhelm Anxiety The mind is powerful and when we aren’t enjoying our life, any of these states of mind are very real. When we are in this whirlwind we aren’t living our life fully. Relationships…