Connecting with Others is Necessary for Everyone, Introverts Too!
Feeling connected to others is a core need for everyone. We all need to feel love, to feel understood, to not feel lonely. One of the best ways to improve your mind space and overall well-being is connecting with others, even if you are an introvert. Mental Health studies are now saying that feeling a connection with someone ranks higher than any other change to your healthy lifestyle. You read that correctly. Feeling that connection with someone has the single biggest impact on your health and well-being than if you were to quit smoking, change your eating habits, or start exercising. Connecting with others improves your happiness, and happy people tend…
My Gut Health Stopped My Weight Loss, but I’m Fixing It!
I was more than 75 pounds down in my weight loss journey, exercising, eating healthy, and feeling great about my health journey. Then things went sideways and I didn’t know why until recently. It took me three years and gaining back almost 50 pounds for me to figure out that my gut health was the cause. Let me explain. (This post includes an affiliate link) My symptoms that finally shook my world enough for me to stop and say, “ENOUGH!” included: dry patches of skin that were itchy and couldn’t be remedied with lotions weight gain even when eating healthy and exercising mood disorders which included anxiety and periods of…
Kid-Friendly Morning Routine | Morning Routine that Fixed my Forgetful Kid
The typical morning routine consisted of watching television and then ended with her scrambling to try and remember everything she needed for school and her afternoon dance classes. She was stressed every morning and would end up running home during her short lunch because she forgot something. As the school year went on, her stress levels increased and she was burning out quickly. One morning I sat her down and we came up with this kid-friendly morning routine, one that would help fix my forgetful kid. The Hard Truth We sat down and talked about how she woke up really early in the mornings, but still continued to forget things. In this…
A Simple Family Communication Center that Works | Simple DIY for Busy Parents
When you’re juggling kid’s school schedules and live in a busy home it is easy to forget important dates even if they are on the schedule. Important dates to remember, mail and forms laying around, and no one knows what to do for dinner at the last minute. This simple family communication center is a DIY must do! Chaos was a daily occurrence in our home until I found this idea on Pinterest, and figured out how to make it work for our family! The Pinterest idea that I used to gather inspiration was a command center for the family. It included baskets for different items, a calendar, and a…
Make Hometown Visits Fun for the Whole Family | No Stress on Mom
Going home to visit family or friends is great when it’s just you or your partner, but what if you are the only one with kids? Visiting family or friends can be stressful when you have kids, especially when they don’t have small children in the house or aren’t used to having small children in the house. We found a way to make hometown visits fun for the whole family. For many years we would make the car trip back home to visit family and friends. It was a long trip but we did it to stay connected to those we loved. However, most of the time we were traveling…
How we had Fun Beyond the Beaches of Hawaii | Traveling with Kids
It’s the first trip, that wasn’t camping or to see family. We were headed to Hawaii with our three kids to renew our wedding vows, but we weren’t a beach family and there was a 10 year age difference between our oldest and youngest. We needed to find some fun beyond the beaches of Hawaii. Pictures of Hawaii were beautiful and we looked forward to the trip. I had looked forward to renewing our wedding vows as I had always wanted a destination wedding. However, the wedding was only a small moment in the vacation week. I was worried that the kids would be bored, electronics would fill our time…
Kids Benefit More from Making School Lunches | Mom Free School Lunch
I have 3 kids and I haven’t made a school lunch in 18 years. What?! I know! I spend my mornings getting ready for my workday. The kids prepare their own school lunches and have since Kindergarten. Over the years, we’ve discovered that the kids benefit more from making school lunches than if I had made them. Friends would take pity on my kids for having to get themselves ready for school, and for having to make their own lunches. I could have made their lunches, and could have gotten up early every morning to do this, but why? I remember sitting down for lunch when I was in school,…
The Truth About Clutter | How Clutter Affects Home and Office Life
It’s obvious that clutter is a clear sign of disorganization. Science has proven time and again that disorganization affects productivity, but there is so much more! Here I dig into the truth about clutter, and how clutter affects home and office life. The human body likes to function as an organized, orderly process so chaos doesn’t occur. It makes sense that it easier for us to go with the flow when there is more organization, process, and order. If that is the case, why do we allow clutter to mess it up and create levels of chaos? The truth is we get used to the clutter and get comfortable doing more…
5 Reasons to Start Meal Planning Today|Helpful Guide to Avoid Fast Food
When you have a busy life, it can be difficult to eat healthily and stay on budget. It can certainly be easier to order take-out or to warm up pre-packaged meals, but in the long run, you are spending more money on food that isn’t healthy for you or your family. As a working mother of 3, I found it stressful to figure out what to make for dinner after a long day of work. The meal had to be easy to prepare and eaten before we had to leave for their planned activities. The meal also had to have ingredients that we could find in the kitchen. When there wasn’t…
Delegation that Works for Home and the Office | Focus on Compassion
Delegation is tough when you hold on to expectations for a specific outcome. There is so much more to delegation than just about freeing your time for more productive work. The Dalai Lama believes that compassion is one of the keys to happiness, and happiness leads to more compassion. How can delegation to all areas of our life, help us lead a happier more fulfilling life? Here we learn that if we focus on compassion, then you have a delegation that works at home and the office. This post may include affiliate links. I only recommend products that I love. All opinions are genuine. Any purchases made don’t cost you…