Does Work-Life Balance Exist? | Finding Balance In Your Life
Does work-life balance exist? Many people believe it is a myth, but it isn’t when you truly look at what balance truly means. Finding balance in your life will help simplify life.
Many people will say that balance doesn’t exist and that it is a myth. Honestly, I’ve believed them and even said it recently in an article. I was wrong!
I’ll explain why I was wrong and then I will provide more insight into answering the question, “does work-life balance exist?”.
If you are struggling to find balance and don’t know where to begin, take the pillars of balance quiz and it will help you figure out what areas of your life give you the most balance.
The Work-Life Balance Myth
I started to think of work-life balance as an equal weight of work and life. When you define it with “equal measures” to remain balanced, then it doesn’t work. It will never work. Why?
When you are working to achieve a goal, whether that goal is personal or career-based, it is natural to shift your time to favor that passion you are striving for.
Jack Welch is right. Every choice we make has consequences and it is those consequences that affect our balance.
As I was spending some quiet time recharging from my work weekend, I realized that the work-life balance defined in “equal measures” is completely wrong. I also realized that balance can exist which gave me renewed hope.
Does Work-Life Balance Exist?
Work-life balance can exist and does for many people. However, it takes work to maintain and it can’t be an ideal stagnant picture in your mind.
True work-life balance is a distribution that keeps someone upright and steady.
What does that look like for you?
What keeps you going?
Who keeps you going?
For me I create balance in my life by doing what I love to do for work, helping people. That feeds one passion in my life. I also find balance in my family: my relationships with my husband and my kids.
However, for years I put myself on the lowest portion of that list and it started affecting other areas of my life. Now I give myself permission for quiet moments to recharge. Should I do more, yes I should. There is a long list of self-care actions I have on my wish list but I’m only able to do what I can manage at the moment.
I’m not perfect when it comes to balance. I battle with trying to do everything and my mind rarely slows down but I’ve found ways to stop the busy mom brain and my entrepreneurial brain. Little by little, I learned to be more present and in the moment; learning to enjoy what life has given me.
Is balance easy to do? No, but it is worth the effort.
My daily routine is to check in with myself throughout the day to reflect on how I’m doing. Self-reflection takes practice but it is a very important step to finding balance.
Balance for me has changed over the years, and it sometimes changes from day to day. To create balance in your life you need to let it flow and change because life is full of changes. Having an ideal picture of what will give you balance will bring disappointment and the perception of failure.
The goal is to keep you upright and steady. What does that?
Is it your faith? family? friendships? passion? career?
That is your foundational balance.
Finding Balance In Your Life
If you are feeling out of balance, you might have neglected some of those foundational areas in your life. Finding ways to bring more balance in your life takes practice and flexibility. It is understanding that you might need to make hard choices and live with the consequences of those decisions.
Intentionally making the decision to live with more balance and nurture your foundations is a choice. Will you do it perfectly? No, it is a life journey but I know you can do it.
What is your foundational balance?
Before You Go
Misty Lynch
Great article! I shoot for “balance” each week. If I have to work hard some days I’ll try to plan a fun weekend with the kids so overall we still feel happy. It’s a lot easier than trying to balance everything everyday!
Jacquie | Seeking Simple Life
Very true! Everyone’s balance is different. I’m glad you have found yours.