Love Requires Choice
You may have heard people say “love is a feeling”, or “love is a choice”, and found those statements didn’t quite resonate somehow. I am with you on that, 100%! Energetically love is not just a feeling, and while it isn’t a choice, love requires choice. This article is going to discuss love from a unique perspective and show you how love requires choice.
Wait though…before I go too far, this article is about all forms of love within relationships: with another person, with life, with the Divine, and with yourself. After all, love is one of the foundational laws of our life here on earth, so it is imperative to truly know what choices to make.
What is Love?
On the surface, love feels like an emotion or a feeling that we express and receive in some way. However, love has a much deeper meaning than how we feel or show how we feel. As I grow and expand along my spiritual journey, I’ve come to know love as much more than a feeling.
Love is energy.
Love is a vibration straight from a higher power much bigger than any one of us.
Love is a comforting supportive energy that helps empower us to shine our own light during dark times.
The Divine’s energy is both Light and Love.
In 1 John 4:8, John tells us that The Divine is Love, whereas, in 1 John 1:5 John claims that The Divine is Light. Which is it? Is The Divine love or light? The answer is simply both. The Divine, this higher power bigger than us all, is the source of Divine inner energy flowing through us that is love/light. It is both love and light. This love/light is running through everything on earth. It is what helps us grow and is our life force energy freely supporting us through every moment.
The Grounding Force of Love
If you are a living being, whether a plant, animal, or human, you feel vibrations. We hear through vibrations, feel the vibes a person is projecting when they are happy or angry and may have even felt love at one point…even if it was while we hugged our favorite stuffed animal, or received an innocent kiss from a puppy.
But what if I told you that love/light energy is literally helping us stay grounded? Some spiritual communities believe the gravitational pull we feel is our natural pull or attraction towards seeking The Divine’s love/light energy. When I read that it resonated with me in a deep way. I immediately saw this as every being on earth naturally being attracted to The Divine’s love/light energy and is seeking that connection at a soul level.
After all, since the beginning, creation has strived for growth and light, such as a plant breaking through the earth in search of light. From a spiritual perspective, how hard would it be for us to see the gravitational pull as a natural pull of attraction towards the love/light energy that The Divine provides us? This could mean that The Divine’s love is freely given to us through the earth to help ground us and support us, and this loving energy is a source of light for everyone to use always.
Love is a Vibration of Understanding
Not long ago, The Divine showed me that to understand was to allow truth to resonate through your being, and anchor it with the earth beneath your feet. When we are living life, experiencing life, we will naturally find ourselves in situations where we are placed within a growth opportunity. These are often called triggers. My latest definition of a trigger is a launching opportunity for growth and expansion. (How’s that for a positive spin on a word that most cringe at!)
But how does this triggering process work? Well, it isn’t just random. The love/light energy is intelligent energy (hello, it is The Divine’s energy after all!) and it is of an ordering nature. This means it will help shine a light on the biggest things worth releasing, healing, and expanding in order to deepen your connection with your soul and the Divine.
I think of this as loving energy that flows from the heartbeat of Archangel Sophia, The One Source Creator of All Creation towards us. Each beat of Her heart comforts us enough to empower us to shine a light on the distortions holding us back from understanding the true power of Her Love. In those emotional moments Archangel Michael, The One Source Creator of All Creation understands fully how to love ourselves during these moments. He shines His Light to help us find our way to our own loving energy. The natural rhythm of this energy is complete when we lovingly choose to heal. In those moments the love flowing from our own heartbeat sends love through us to the Divine as a thank you. This ebb and flow of a wave of love/light energy naturally help and supports us always.
In nature, there is a natural flow of energy; a natural flow to giving and receiving. How I described the natural flow of love/light energy to us, and then the flow of light/love energy through us to the Divine is a natural cycle we can all do if we choose so. This is where love requires choice.
Love Requires Choice
Love is not a choice. I know this may be confusing, but keep reading and soaking in the message.
Love is a vibration; the Divine Feminine’s vibrational energy. It naturally flows through all of us, no matter what. Feeling this Divine Love energy and having our own individual feminine love energy is our birthright and a gift from our Divine Creators of All Creation.
That being said, we may not know it is there. We may not believe we are worthy of receiving it. Heck, we may not understand that to experience the full power of love, and to know what true love feels like, requires us to love ourselves through the distortions the Divine lovingly guides us to release, and heal.
Love requires choice.
The choices you are given throughout life are ones that help you seek a deeper connection with your soul. These are choices to personally grow and expand by loving yourself enough to choose to heal.
There are choices that naturally help you to know how to love another unconditionally, without holding unrealistic expectations for that relationship. This is being able to love another while knowing they are on their own journey and are doing the best they can at this moment. Relationships with another also provide you with choices on how you see and experience the love another is sending you. Are you open to seeing how they show you love, or are you expecting to see love through a filter of expectations you have for that relationship?
Life is a journey and in the Divine’s eyes, there are no mistakes. Choices surround us when we choose to see each trigger as a launching opportunity for growth and expansion or choose to see it as a failure. It is a choice of perception.
Finally, each time we choose to notice or acknowledge the loving growth messages the Divine Masculine lights up for us, we are choosing at that moment to love ourselves through it. When we push aside the thoughts or feelings we are shown during those moments, the Divine Feminine sends Her loving energy to comfort us so we can turn our own light back on what we avoided a moment ago. The Divine never gives up on us, but when we don’t allow ourselves to notice the Divine love and light supporting us, we are telling our own brains we don’t believe we are worthy of Divine love or light. We are telling ourselves that we don’t trust that we can do the work our soul is asking us to do.
Love requires choice. How we accept it and how we use it throughout our life is powerful. This love/light energy truly can deepen our experience here on earth and light the way to a spiritual journey worth experiencing. What will you choose for your life?
Before You Go