Do negative thoughts tell you that you that others are better than you? STOP.RIGHT.NOW. You can change this mindset when self-doubt blocks your dreams. Finally find a way to make goal setting and achieving goals easier. Click for motivation and tips for shifting your self-doubting mindset.
Energy for Life,  Manifesting for Life

When Self-Doubt Blocks Your Dreams

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Do you have that negative internal voice telling you that you aren’t enough? Telling you that what you offer isn’t unique? That others have more to offer than little old you? STOP. RIGHT. NOW. You are unique. Everyone is unique. That is precisely why this world we live in is so interesting. Here’s the honest truth. Are you ready to hear this truth? You can change this mindset when self-doubt blocks your dreams.

The bottom line: Self-doubt is a barrier and it can seriously mess with your mindset.

Seriously! Self-doubt is a monster of a barrier….when you let it.

I’ve been there. After I left a job where my boss was verbally abusive, my self-confidence was crushed. It took a long time for me to find my voice again and starting Seeking Simple Life helped me find my voice. Slowly my self-confidence grew because my subconscious remembered that I was more than what my own self-doubt was saying to me.

However, every now and then I hear that self-doubt message and it sounds like “his” voice. I’m not unique. I don’t have what it takes. I’m not enough.

They aren’t “his” words but the message delays my action enough that it has impacted my personal goals.


This is me, being completely honest with you. I am human too and I used to, struggle with self-doubt. So much so that I have sought out a coach for myself (yes, a coach needs a coach).

When Self-Doubt Block Your Dreams

How do I overcome the negative voice? That is a very good question.

Mindfulness is the first step. I stop minimizing my feelings. I am mindful of these thoughts and recognize them for what they are.

Then I try really hard to push through with action, proving to myself that I can be more than these negative messages playing in my head.

Here’s another nugget of truth.


We are all unique.

Every single person in this world is unique and has their own purpose in life. When we are living our purpose and stop doubting ourselves we are living bigger than ever! That is when life becomes simple. That is when we gain the freedoms we crave.

Stop slamming the door on your purpose in life.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Do negative thoughts tell you that others are better than you? STOP.RIGHT.NOW. You can change this mindset when self-doubt blocks your dreams. Finally find a way to make goal setting and achieving goals easier. Click for motivation and tips for shifting your self-doubting mindset.


What do you want in life?

What are you afraid of?

How could you change your mindset to overcome what’s blocking you?

In short, get personal with your feelings. Feel them. Know your feelings but respect your dreams enough to keep going. Stop listening to that self-doubt and keep going.

Someone out there needs your talent.

Someone out there is searching for what you have to offer this world.

Keep going. I believe in you.

Living Your Purpose

Many goal-orientated people (myself included) tend to look at goals as a game that we need to win. There is value in doing that because you can break each goal into mini-goals, or levels, to get you to the end result.

*cue the Mario music for each mini-win*

However, fighting to achieve each goal shouldn’t be hard. It shouldn’t drain the life from every ounce of your body. If you are doing what you are meant to do then, if you are living your purpose then it should energize you.

Do negative thoughts tell you that others are better than you? STOP.RIGHT.NOW. You can change this mindset when self-doubt blocks your dreams. Finally find a way to make goal setting and achieving goals easier. Click for motivation and tips for shifting your self-doubting mindset.


Life is simpler and easier when we are aligned with our purpose in life. When we have discovered our superpower, our uniqueness that we bring to the world. That is what John is saying in this quote. When you ultimately discover your unique abilities and learn to trust them in your heart, then you will find your key to abundance. When you are living your purpose, you will receive back more than a life you can imagine.

Knowing this or being reminded of this, is crucial to shifting your mindset. If you aren’t aligned then work to get there. How will you know when you are aligned?

You will know.

It could feel like a missing puzzle piece snapping into place.

Or it could be a key to unlocking a whole new world of possibilities.

Maybe it will be a blanket of peacefulness that envelopes you and calms your whole being.

My point is that you will know when you are aligned. The effort you need to work towards your dreams will give you energy. It will become one of your pillars of work-life balance and you will find life becoming simpler. Life will have more clarity when you are aligned with your purpose.

In short, when self-doubt blocks your dreams, acknowledge the feelings but take action and know that you are more when you tap into your super-power. You are UNIQUE and the world needs that to shine!


Before You Go


Do negative thoughts tell you that others are better than you? STOP.RIGHT.NOW. You can change this mindset when self-doubt blocks your dreams. Finally find a way to make goal setting and achieving goals easier. Click for motivation and tips for shifting your self-doubting mindset.

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