7 Signs You Need A Coach | Striving To Be Your Best Self
Coaches aren’t limited to the successful people in the world. Many think they need to figure life out on their own and are still struggling unnecessarily. If this is you, is it time to look at the signs you need a coach?
Successful businesses, athletes, and influencers join forces with coaches to help them see what is stopping them from being productive and achieving their next level of success.
But why does the average person not think they are worthy of the same service?
What is a Coach?
A coach is someone that leads through collaboration. They help you discover what barriers are preventing your success and help you determine how to move past the barriers in your life.
They don’t do the work for you, but they help you discover the best path forward so that you can be your best self.
Signs You Need A Coach
- Stress, overwhelm & exhaustion are constants in your life
- Work-life balance is only a dream
- You feel like a fraud
- Chaos and drama are draining your energy
- Important relationships are suffering
- Work is not fulfilling
- Lack of Confidence or Too much fear
Stress, overwhelm & exhaustion are constants in your life
Living life with constant stress, overwhelm and exhaustion is not healthy. These are definite signs that something or many things are not going right for you. If there is ever a neon light that says help is necessary, these would be it.
When you are living life this way, your health will start to suffer over time as well as your career and home life. A coach will help you figure out what is causing these feelings and help you figure out what you can do to simplify life.
Work-life balance is only a dream
You hear the term work-life balance and laugh, but are secretly wishing it was possible. Over-time is constant in your life and you can’t figure out how to stop the cycle. You are drained after work and have nothing left for anyone. You may even feel like life is passing you by.
When you are feeling this way, life is passing you by. How can you be your best self when you aren’t enjoying life? A coach will help you figure out how to be more productive at work and start enjoying life again.
You feel like a fraud
Life on the outside looks great, but inside you feel like a hot mess. You are barely keeping it together and dread one more “issue” that will threaten to expose how bad things really are. You hate feeling this way and want to start living a more authentic life.
Being your true authentic self is freedom and living your authentic life is living the dream. A coach will help you figure out what is stopping you from living your authentic life, and help you find ways to finally move towards your dreams.
Chaos and drama are draining your energy
Chaos and drama everywhere you turn. Life is messy and you feeling like you are on the verge of drowning. You have nothing left to give to anyone and are starting to see the effects at work and at home.
Life doesn’t need to be filled with chaos and drama. A coach will help you figure out why they exist and help you find simple solutions for simplifying life bit by bit.
Important relationships are suffering
Your marriage isn’t going well. You are disconnected from your family and your relationships with your kids are strained at best. Your loved ones complain or have just resolved that other things matter more than them. You crave a change, but don’t know how to fix what is broken.
This one is big. If life has gotten so messy that your relationships are not going well, then you need a coach. A coach will help you find ways to realign priorities and start improving relationships moving forward.
Work is not fulfilling
You have career goals but they are starting to just feel like the company goals. Life is passing you by and you aren’t sure what your purpose in life is supposed to be. Maybe you hate your job but don’t know where to go from here.
Life is too short to live your life in a job you hate. A coach will help you figure out your next path, so you can start enjoying life again.
Lack of Confidence or Too much fear
Are you a chronic procrastinator or find yourself not following through with your dreams. What is holding you back?
Letting life pass you by because of a lack of confidence or letting fear consume you is common. A coach will help you figure out what barriers are stopping you from being your best self and help you put a plan together for your life.
Making the Decision
Making the decision to find a coach can be hard. Your private life will need to be shared. You will need to pay someone to help you sort your shit out. How do you know if the person will be able to help you?
I’m going to be straight with you. Here’s the deal. If you aren’t being honest with yourself or with your coach about what is truly going on, then a coach won’t be able to help. You will waste everyone’s time and your money.
Hiring a coach is an investment in yourself and your life. Not all coaches are equal; each one having their own specialty. Find the one that works for you and can help you.
The best coaches in the world help people move past their barriers and help them find ways to achieve success. Life doesn’t need to be complicated and filled with chaos. When it feels that way there are definitely barriers in your life stopping you from being your best self.
Asking for help isn’t a weakness, it is a strength in your character because you are finally recognizing your own value. If any of these signs you need a coach resonated with you, look for a coach that you will resonate with. If that is me, check out my work with me page and book a clarity call to see if we are a fit. Let them help you discover your barriers and move you closer to achieving your success.
Before You Go