Slow Life Down with Hygge | 30 Days of Hygge Challenge
I hear a lot of moms complain that they don’t have time to take a break or rest. They have too much to do. I get it. Moms are busy. If we aren’t working on something, our “busy mom brain” is thinking of the long list of tasks that need to get done. How can we get a break? You can slow life down with Hygge.
Nope, not impossible.
It does, however, take an intentional decision to make yourself a priority for just a day. It doesn’t have to be about you only. The family can join in. In fact, why not make it a pajama day?
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Slow Life Down with Hygge
Today is Day 9 of my 30 days of Hygge challenge. I was tasked with slowing life down for just a day. No “must-do” lists, just relaxation and doing the things that make me happy. I did just that.
Here was my day.
My busy mom brain woke up thinking about all of the things about work. It was my day off, though. Instead of trying to go back to sleep I opened my Kindle and found the fun book I was reading. It quickly took me into a fantasy adventure that was far from real life. I was captivated by the characters.
Next thing I know my daughter is heading off to school and my husband off to work. I grab a cup of coffee and sit in my favorite spot, my Hyggekrog, and just relax. Cuddled under a blanket, I take in the aroma of my coffee and the blissful quiet of the house.
After I enjoyed my coffee, I opened my computer and spent the next blissful hours on my day off doing what I love, writing. Writing about these 30 days of Hygge challenge has been refreshing and healing for my soul.
It is my creative outlet, allowing me to do what I love to do without restrictions. It is helping people find simple ways to slow life down and enjoy their life again.
Later I’m going to pick up my book again and let it take me away into another fantasy world. I most likely will spend the evening with my husband watching our favorite shows.
Before that, I’m hoping my daughter won’t have homework because this Mother of Dragons needs to finish the game night we had started last week. We were playing Game of Thrones Risk and no one wanted to concede so it is still set up waiting for the next impromptu game night.
Did I mention housework? Nope!
I didn’t because today was only about doing the things I enjoy. It was about slowing life down and leaving “all the other things” for another day. I’m relaxed, happy and stress-free.
There aren’t 8 or 9 days in a week but moms are allowed to slow down long enough to enjoy life. Learning how to slow life down is important. We only have one life, so why are we constantly moving? The one consistent regret I hear from older moms is that they never took the time to take care of themselves. Join me in this challenge today, and gift yourself a slow day.
Light some candles, cuddle under a blanket in your favorite spot (Hyggekrog) and relax. Meditate, paint your nails, have a bubble bath, read a book (the entire book!), or work on a hobby. Slow life down with Hygge.
Before You Go