Chakra Healing,  Energy for Life

The Body Sends Positive Signals Too

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Often when we are in a personal growth period within our life we are looking for signs and messages within, that tell us where to improve or where we went wrong.  Essentially we are seeking direction through the negative messages, or what I like to call the healing opportunities, we feel within our physical, and emotional bodies. There is a tipping point in the growth we should be aware of though, so we aren’t stuck just looking for negative messages. The body sends positive signals too.

Or at least it tries to send them.

The energy centers that we have naturally within our physical body are called chakras. The chakras serve us in many ways but in simple terms, they help the flow of energy through our bodies. They help us raise our energetic vibrations so that we are manifesting in a positive way easier.

But how do they do that?

The Body Sends Positive Signals Too

When the chakras receive energy, they turn and the body sends positive signals to us to say “hey you, this is what you need to do, or this aligns with your Center of Value or Center of Worth”. It is the Divine energy telling us how to Soul Align our life.

For example, when we set life goals we are anchoring in a vision as to how we want our life to look: what relationships we want to have, how we want to interact with people, the healthy boundaries we want to keep for our own self-care, and the experiences we want to have to enhance all of this.

When we are feeling called to define these, that is our Divine Feminine support team is urging us to get really clear with our vision.  She will send a surge of love energy through our chakras. If the message is urging you to establish a knowingness within your Center of Worth, the Root Chakra will receive the love energy first and let you know a message is being sent from your Divine Masculine guide, Master Teacher, and Archangel that is going to boost the stability you will feel within your life. Then you will be directed to reflect and feel into what that message might be, using your own individual feminine energy.

To do this your Divine Feminine Guide, Master Teacher, and Archangel will then send the loving supportive energy through your Sacral Chakra to urge you to empower your individual masculine to create the space necessary to hear the message. In other words, if you are too busy and not listening you will be told to be still so you can hear and feel it. Next, when you are exploring what that action might be, your Solar Plexus will send a positive signal when you’ve connected with the correct idea.

When this action aligns, your Divine Feminine Guide, Master Teacher, and Archangel dances within your Heart Chakra as your individual masculine energies are empowered to write it down on the list of what you desire and find worthy of abundance in your life.  Once the life goals are fully aligned and you’ve expressed happiness within your Heart, your Divine Masculine support team then hands them over to the Divine Feminine so she can initiate future inspirations that align with your soul and your heart’s desires.

Manifesting Using Your Divine Powers

This is what the Laws of the Universe help you do naturally when you are intentionally manifesting for abundance. When you are being asked to set the goal and let go, the Divine is supporting you through every moment, but your own individual feelings and actions are needed to help you dance along your path toward abundance.

With perfect Divine energy in flow (Law of Directional Energy) AND with Divine Timing (Law of Divine Timing), the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine pick the musical choices that will be most aligned with your soul’s journey and your heart’s desires. The Divine might give you a few different playlists, or paths, to choose from. Each playlist has value and worth but you are guided to assess which one most aligns with your journey moving forward. Loving energy urges you to recognize value first, as it is important for you to know the value a path brings before choosing to intentionally manifest for abundant opportunities. Using your own individual masculine energies you are lovingly supported, by your Divine Feminine Guides, Master Teachers, And Archangels to explore the music you’ve been listening to and dancing to. Is it time to explore one of these new playlists? (Law of Free Will).

If you choose to explore these new playlists you will be guided to feel the vibration of each playlist and the messages each may bring to your life. The Divine Masculine is your support system and shines a light on the value each playlist can bring to your life. Exploring the value by using your own individual feminine energies ignites your own curiosity toward alignment going forward (Law of Polarity).

There’s more! True value needs to include a discernment for knowing potential abundant experiences for each playlist you are exploring. This is when your Divine Feminine Guide, Master Teacher, and Archangel will support you as you explore and logically think through what you could do to manifest potential abundance using your own individual masculine energies (Law of Relativity). This is done by looking at different perspectives and asking your Divine Feminine questions for help until you know a clear playlist choice for your journey forward.

Congratulations! You have a clear choice for a playlist and now have a pretty good idea of what intentions you might be willing to do to manifest this potential abundance. Now is the time to continue nurturing the seeds you planted for the abundance ahead. Your chosen playlist begins to play and your Divine Masculine support system reminds you to feel into each Manifestation intention to know the value it brings to your journey along this path. He leads you as you align your desires with the knowing value held within each intentional step you are choosing to take and then he shines a light on the vibrational growth and expansion moving forward (Law of Manifestation).

Now that you know the value your manifesting intentions bring, you are now lovingly supported by your Divine Feminine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels to keep going. It is now time for you to empower yourself to do whatever is necessary to vibrationally align with those valuably intentional Manifestations (Law of Vibration). You are supported through each moment, as you explore beliefs, and actions that may need releasing or changing to continue manifesting this value.

The path has now arrived at a clearing where you will be guided to dance to many different songs. Each song will help you bring balance to your beliefs, actions, and emotions. You were prepared by the Divine and know what you are being asked to do. There may be a missed step or a change in tempo felt that doesn’t match the songs playing in the playlist. Don’t judge yourself but in each moment your Divine support team will guide you with love and light along the way. These are your moments to bring balance within your heart desires, knowing each step and vibration movement brings value as you are supported completely. As you bring balance to your life once again, your confidence rises, and your individual feminine energies naturally start to get curious to know the worthiness this playlist is bringing to your life. (Law of Balance)

It is now, that your Divine Feminine Guide, Master Teacher, and Archangels will lovingly nudge you to release yourself from all that keeps you tethered to the past. Forgiveness is the path toward freedom. Potential lost opportunities for abundance are only revealed as a way to remind you of the value you know within your heart. The value you know within all that you desire for your life and the steps you took to get this far, are lovingly reminding you that what you are holding onto from the past is not of value any longer.  Any resistance felt that made you pause is supported with love from the Divine Feminine as you empower your individual masculine energies to let go forever through forgiveness. As you choose to forgive yourself and others you are embracing the value you know within your heart as it outshines the past. The worthiness you are starting to see for your future is growing stronger with each moment and this helps to minimize resistance until it becomes insignificant. (Law of Forgiveness)

Upon each chosen forgiveness moment, Divine healing energy flows to heal all stuck energy relating to those moments. Your individual feminine energy recognizes the vibrational changes flowing through you and your Divine Masculine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels are there helping you acknowledge how you feel about these healing moments and what it brings to your life moving forward (Law of Transmutation of Energy).

The dance continues and the pace may pick up as you are receiving strong nudges from your Divine Feminine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels to act upon your manifested intentions by empowering your individual masculine energy to act upon each Divine Action with precision. With each action, you move closer to the abundance of opportunities you intentionally manifested. (Law of Divine Action)

The songs continue to play within your playlist and you are starting to notice abundant opportunities flowing in. As each arrives you are guided to feel into each opportunity. They may not look how you envisioned and your Divine Masculine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels are there shining light on each one so you can know the worth each brings in its own way. (Law of Abundance)

As you are enjoying the abundant opportunities flowing in you come to another clearing along your path. The volume turns up and those that have been part of your journey to this point celebrate each moment of happiness you know has brought value and worth to your life.  You look around and feel the blessings, joy, and happiness flowing in your life. As you allow happiness to flow through you and realize the worthiness, of this part of your journey has brought to you, the happiness gauge within your heart rings true. (Law of Happiness)

It’s a journey worth celebrating. As you pause and watch others dancing around you, you start to wonder what those other playlists offered for more abundant opportunities. You wonder how you can help others along their journey. These Divine Feminine inspirational nudges start to ignite a wonder within you. What is next in your growth and expansion as you paint new opportunities, and nurture more seeds for your future? (Law of Inspired Action)

Knowing how to listen to your body and feel the positive signals your chakras are sending you is essential to manifesting your life goals into reality.

Will you allow yourself to dance with the energies showing you how to manifest?

Connecting the Laws of the Universe to your Chakras

The Divine Energies supporting our journey flow through your Heart Chakra. It is the bridge between the Divine and your physical experience, as well as the bridge between the upper chakras and lower chakras. The first four laws (Law of Directional Energy, Law of Divine Timing, Law of Free Will, and Law of Polarity) are inherently flowing within the Akashic Stream of Knowledge that enters your Heart Chakra and gives your mind the knowledge it was meant to receive and remember from your past life experiences. Having a healthy heart chakra is extremely important for all growth and expansion.

After you receive knowledge through your heart and choose to explore it further, the energy helps to expand the vision within your Crown Chakra for the fifth law, the Law of Relativity. This is your Center of Value and intuitive knowingness. Clarity is beginning to form and your intuition is urging you forward to keep exploring value. The sixth law, the Law of Manifestation, is connected to your Third Eye Chakra to help you see value in what is possible and feel comfortable creating intentions for manifestations. At this point, if you have been open minded enough to explore the clarity and energy moving you forward feels freeing in your headspace. Even your soul is lit up wanting you to keep going.

The seventh law, The Law of Vibration, is connected to your Throat Chakra. If you are noticing yourself clearing energy in your throat chakra then count that as a blessing for your manifestations. Notice how you are feeling expressing and receiving communications. What are the thoughts being used and the actions you are doing to vibrationally align?

The next two laws flow through the Heart chakra once again: the Law of Balance and the Law of Forgiveness.  The Divine energies have been supporting your journey in each of the upper chakras but finding balance within the journey is heavily centered around what you are valuing and what you desire as worthy enough to keep going. Is what you love to hold onto from the past insignificant in comparison to what desire to feel during your life experiences? The Divine is helping you through each moment but again, knowing what is in your heart and extremely important for manifesting abundance in your life.

After you have chosen forgiveness, healing energy is flowing to your Solar Plexus Chakra and into your physical and energy bodies for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical healing. Being able to let go and let the Divine heal in this way is putting your own control issues aside. Your action was to consciously choose forgiveness for your own journey and everything connected to that situation or belief is being healed, through the Law of Transmutation of Energy.  Now your Solar Plexus is telling you the time is right to keep creating abundance.

Creative energy is ramping up within your Sacral Chakra, with the Law of Divine Action. You may feel sacral may flip, but this might be nervous excitement, urging you as you get to move into action and create abundant opportunities that fully align. As you move into action this stuck energy will transmute into love and light empowering you to keep going. There is nothing more satisfying than getting to this point and being able to know the steps you intentionally choose to take while being Divinely guided in every way will bring abundance.

The Root Chakra is your Center of Worthiness, a gut feeling of knowing that it is worthy. Your Law of Abundance is connected to your Root Chakra. This is where your seeds have been planted, have taken root, and are being nurtured for the journey ahead. There is an understanding that comes from reflecting on each abundant experience; being able to know that every step to this point was worthwhile. This gut feeling flows into happiness back into your Heart Chakra, for the Law of Happiness. Once you are back in your Heart Chakra, it becomes natural to explore what is next for possibilities for the the Law of Inspired Action.

There is power in knowing how the chakras help your journey and how the Laws of the Universe help you naturally manifest for abundance. Will you empower yourself to noticing the positive signals being sent by your body?










Before You Go


There is a tipping point in personal growth, so we aren't stuck just looking for negative messages. The body sends positive signals too. This is a reminder that it isn't always about healing opportunities.


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