Why is being still so difficult? | The Art of Listening
Why is being still so difficult? This a question I asked myself for years. I often wondered how people did it, how it needed to be done to do it “correctly”, and why I needed to do it in the first place? All big questions and ones that are often asked by many.
Just this morning, the message channeled through me was:
“I am always here to support you. Be still. Ask. You shall receive.”, Archangel Metatron
The old me would look at that and go, “that’s nice, but how”. I would look at that and immediately think of all.the.things that need to get done before I can ‘be still’. The old me, if I created time to sit and be still, would ask and listen expecting a big booming voice from the sky telling me exactly what I wanted to hear for whatever I was asking for, in exactly the way I wanted it to arrive.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news….it never worked that way for me. It might for you though, the Divine works in many wonderous ways to support us.
If you have lived a busy life trying to do everything, yet found yourself searching for something more, then this message from the Divine is for you. And it is also why I’m being called to answer this question:
Why is being still so difficult?
Why is being still so difficult?
When I reflect on this question, I find myself seeing the old me running around, never stopping to slow down, and doing everything for everyone without taking time to connect with myself – to be present with myself. Even prayers were done on the run, under my breath in a silent plea, or sitting to send out a prayer for someone in need.
Do you see the pattern there?
I would sit and create space for others, but when it came to connecting on a deeper level for me that was done only while I was doing something else. AND if I’m being honest with myself it was usually as I was multitasking, because back then I was the queen of the multitaskers and proud of it. But multitasking affects the brain and not in a good way. There is more detail in that article but to sum it up when we multitask we teach our brain to never stay focused. We find ourselves in a deeply ingrained habit of constantly doing something, always.
I can’t slow down.
I can’t be still.
Being still is not productive with my time.
That is a HUGE belief that many have because they have fallen into the habit of being busy. And it was one of the hardest habits to unlearn when the world went into lockdown in 2020.
You’d think this was THE construct that people needed to see, but it isn’t the only one. How do I know this? I’ve lived this life. This is my story and if it is resonating with you, then you must relate because you wouldn’t be this far into the message if it didn’t resonate on some level.
Okay, what else could be going on in that stubborn brain of mine? Let’s explore, shall we?
Once I got past the idea that I needed to slow life down and put myself on the list. I didn’t understand the purpose of sitting still. From a logical perspective, there was reason to it. I would sit and ask for guidance and then I would sit in silence for maybe 5 minutes hoping for a full blueprint map to be shown to me that made logical sense for where I saw my life going.
And it may have been revealed to me in that way, but I completely doubted what was shown to me because I still believed that that “special power” was outside myself, and no answers I would come up with would be accurate. This was a huge limiting belief!
I doubted my knowledge. I was constantly seeking answers from outside sources with no specific direction. Hell, I even bought into a program that was teaching people to “throw spaghetti” just to see what everyone else liked. Their business advice was to fit your business with what everyone wanted to see. Go with the trends! Ugh…
I believed that for two years and hated every moment of it. It didn’t feel right, I was getting lost with the thousands of other people posting about the same surface solutions that didn’t matter in the big picture of life.
There had to be more. I had to be on this Earth for a higher purpose because something deep inside of me wasn’t aligning with what I was doing and people weren’t resonating with my “fake it until I make it” vibe I was throwing out there.
So I did the work to explore and dig deep, all while unearthing the constructs that were holding me back. I did it the painful way, where I was reliving every pain just to get to the root of what was holding me back. You can do it that way but there is a much easier way that was shown to me once I learned how to be still and listen, then take action on what was shown to me (check out the Chakra Cleanse & Flow for more information – it’s on the Work With Me page on my website).
Anywho, getting back to learning to be still.
Why is being still so difficult?
Yes, habits around multitasking need to be broken but once we do that what is the benefit of being still?
What is the purpose of being still and how is it possibly more productive?
Oooh! Now we are getting into the good stuff! Here’s the truth. Are you ready?
The purpose of being still is two-fold:
- to notice resistance that is being held around your next healing opportunity
- to receive the messages your Divine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels are trying to show you
I get it, that might have struck a chord. It did for me, many times and it does for my clients.
Here’s the truth. Something deep inside our brain resists when we are getting close to healing something big or tapping into our purpose in life. The resistance felt within that chord is pulled tight and you will feel a loud “Hell No!” calling out to you from your brain. But your soul is guiding you closer to it because you need to hear and feel what the Divine needs to tell you.
How can you tell you are resisting? You will get to see the signs. They are within habits you have formed over the years to help protect yourself. You may see yourself on the go more than normal. Or you may feel disconnected from people or yourself. You may find yourself doubting every action you are taking and are frustrated with nothing working out as planned.
If you don’t allow yourself to be still you will give in to the resistance, delaying your healing journey. I know because this was me for 18 years…I was really stubborn and I don’t recommend it.
So, what happens when you notice the resistance and create the time to be still? How will you notice the messages from the Divine? The Divine sends the messages through the Divine energy flowing through your Heart Chakra. All that is sent is aligned with your dreams, aspirations, and your soul’s purpose. The Divine creates opportunities that help you align your actions with precision when you follow the nudges, feel the love, and start to tune into the light helping along the way. When you do that, you are using your own individual energies to bring balance to your life.
The Divine Masculine dances with your individual feminine as you lovingly accept the Divine knowledge and actions helping you manifest abundance. The Divine Feminine dances with your individual masculine, loving you and supporting you, as you choose to take action and explore what is possible for your life. When we use our own individual energies to dance with the Divine we create magic within our life; we manifest intentionally.
But when you create the space to be still, receive the message and filter it, or toss it as not making sense you are disconnecting with your Divine Guide, master Teacher, and Archangel.
How do you know when the Divine is trying to give you a message? Oh, they are brilliant and can be persistent! The messages might come from another person and the conversation will be brought up by them but will relate to a thought you had recently. The other person may not know this, they are just being guided to show you the proof that it means something for your journey.
Something might catch your attention unexpectedly, a website, an advertisement, a single line in a random show, a book located in the wrong place at the store, or a dream you had in the early morning hours. All of these are messages guiding you. All of these won’t necessarily make sense in the beginning but they will piece together if you ask how, and by being still. I journal these messages to keep a record and remind myself.
The art of listening to your Divine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels and then feeling into the messages or taking action with your individual energies is a dance that takes practice. Asking yourself “why is being still so difficult?”, is a great first step to start your healing journey. After that, you will get better at recognizing resistance and knowing how to see the messages and how to take action when needed. When you are able to do this life becomes easier and you aren’t wasting time doing things that don’t align with your purpose, doing things that don’t matter to the life you want to create.
That is living life with bliss.
Before You Go