Healing your Heart Chakra and your Self-Worth
The Heart Chakra is your relationship center and is the chakra that is the bridge between your lower chakras (the materiality of life) and the upper chakras (the spirituality of life). In other words, the Heart Chakra is your connection between your physical self and your spiritual self. When you are on your healing journey, you are healing your Heart Chakra and your self-worth. There is much more to this chakra than your self-worth, though. Learn about all of the domains it controls within your life and how to continue healing your Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between your upper chakras and lower chakras. A healthy heart chakra allows the energy to flow from the lower up through to the upper chakra, and vice versa. It is your powerhouse for the intentions you are setting within your life goals. This chakra controls your domain of love, desire, worth, acceptance, and knowing what you value and what your values are.
Healing your Heart Chakra and your Self-Worth
The energy of your Heart Chakra, when healthy, allows you to express deep empathy and compassion for yourself and others. You are able to show joy, love, and inner peace easily. Generosity, kindness, and respect come naturally to you; ultimately creating a loving, safe, and supportive environment for yourself and others.
With a healthy Heart Chakra, you know without any doubt what you value and what aligns with your values, and you know what you are willing to sacrifice without going out of alignment with your values or how you value yourself. This also leads you to know what you value within your life and to know the desires that will align with that vision for your life.
Emotionally, an unbalanced Heart Chakra will be revealed if the person has trouble opening up to people or when they find themselves extremely emotionally attached to everyone else’s problems. This will show up as being closed-off or stuck open. Both situations are unhealthy and can create imbalances within the upper and lower chakra systems as well. These are extreme circumstances, however, the following situations also indicate toxic energy that could be within the Heart Chakra:
- you are easily influenced about what you love, desire, and find worthy
- you compromise your actions or how you are feeling to keep the peace
- purchases are compromised based on self-worth
- worried about what others think
Physically this chakra is associated with your heart, breasts, thymus, lower lungs, circulatory system, and immune system. Tightness in the shoulders and neck is problematic with an unbalanced heart chakra, due to involuntary slouching done to protect the Heart center. It can also be presented through heart disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, and obesity.
Healing this Chakra helps you consciously see how to adjust your actions and feelings to align with the life you want: physically, emotionally, and mentally. You feel empowered to do the work necessary to be the change you need, to create the life you love.
Most sources will indicate that healing chakras can be done through affirmations, using crystals, diet, color therapy, sound therapy, or yoga. While this is true, Reiki therapy will is also another effective way to energetically heal the Heart Chakra.
The Chakra Cleanse & Flow clears not only the energy you know you need to clear, but it also cleanses the chakra from all of the energy you are ready to heal from subconsciously as well. It essentially gives you a fresh start to keep your Heart Chakra healthy – actually, this package offers you a clean slate through energy healing every chakra.
The toxic energy held within the chakras is collected through beliefs, habits, and trauma we’ve endured or have inherited generationally. Therefore it stands to reason, that mindset work is an effective way to alchemize these habits and reduce the triggers in your life.
I had a deep case of poor self-worth and it impacted my personal life and my business in many, many ways. After clearing my Solar Plexus Chakra and my Heart Chakra I was able to start seeing the habits I had been holding that lowered my personal self-worth. While this was an eye-opening experience and some of it was hard to see, without holding judgment, it was completely necessary for me to continue on my healing journey.
When doing this work, it is essential to not hold any judgment towards yourself for feeling or reacting to something that has triggered you. I personally celebrate when this happens because I have first recognized it before reacting (that gets easier with practice), and two it is another opportunity to heal and raise my vibrations.
When considering the Heart Chakra, be mindful of the thought patterns you have around relationships and about yourself and take action to change those thought patterns. Using affirmations will work if you ensure you are clearing the energetics behind them. For example, saying “I am free to choose any situation” needs to sound like you honestly will do this no matter what. You need to strike a tone of truth when you say the affirmations to tell the energy to release and be alchemized into light energy…Even if you need to keep repeating it until you do strike that tone of truth.
Alchemizing Affirmations for your Heart Chakra
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I am responsible for my well-being.
I love myself for who I am today.
This is what I love.
This is what I value.
I am free to choose any situation.
I have all the space I need.
I am master of my space – physically, emotionally, mentally.
I have a dream and I’m living my dream.
In empowering others, I am empowered.
Other Healthy Actions for your Heart Chakra
It is time for you to create time to love yourself. Deep self-love is your homework – to allow yourself time to reignite the deep self-love you desperately need to heal. I am talking to the you that you are in this moment – every bit of you.
Laugh, love, create, and explore.
I’ve said this before in many articles, being still will bring wisdom. When we learn to pause and reflect before reacting, we move from a world where life is a mirror, into life is a window and we can change that window into an opportunity.
Foods that help your Heart Chakra include leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, dandelion greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and celery. Green teas also keep the heart chakra in healthy condition and spice it up with basil, thyme, and cilantro. Actually if the food or drink you are enjoying makes you feel balanced through nourishment, comfort, and grounded, and it ignites your senses in ways that bring value to those moments then it is healing energy for those moments.
Your Heart Chakra energy helps to bring balance into your life while allowing you to feel happy as you are living in abundance from your intentional manifestations. Your support system from the Divine flows through your Heart Chakra first. To underestimate the importance of this chakra is to close yourself off to love and light. I know if you are reading this then you don’t desire this to happen, and you do desire to heal the stuck energy within your heart.
There are four definitive steps I take for each moment where balance is needed:
- As I received nudges to explore, I allowed myself to use the warmth guiding me to soothe my own uncertainty.
- With each knowledge or gift received, I allowed myself to feel into the value it might bring to my life and the value it brought to my other lives.
- I empowered myself to face each moment where resistance to change was noticed and acknowledge while leaning on the loving support my Divine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels provided me during those moments, as I am willing to release whatever is necessary to move forward.
- Then I celebrate and feel the creative energy I unlocked within myself as I know it was worthy of receiving. Allowing myself to wonder what I could create or how I could expand my life experiences with this knowledge or gift in this life.
Finally, reach out if you have any questions or thoughts, you’d like to explore with me. I am here to coach you if you would like. The Heart Chakra is an essential piece to our personal growth journey, connecting within, and feeling empowered. All of these methods will provide profound healing opportunities for you if you choose to do this healing work. If you are reading this, I know you are exploring new ways to heal, and are open to transforming the life you are living. I also know that you know to transform your life you need to start with healing yourself. I am so proud of you for recognizing that very important opportunity!
Welcome to your journey!
Before You Go