What is Your Biggest Life Goal Obstacle?
What is your biggest life goal obstacle? You might say learning a new skill, meeting that one person that will change your life, or maybe it’s creating the perfect hustle to bring in extra money. The truth is your biggest life goal obstacle is your own brain and the message it sends to you, every moment. Your brain sends messages about beliefs you learned and used for years to determine how you act, react, and take action towards your life goals.
How do I know this? I’ve personally unearthed beliefs that were stopping me from achieving life goals. Some of these beliefs were sitting deep in generational cycles and I needed to find a way out of them, breaking the cycles so I could both heal myself and show future generations a better way.
Years ago, after a stressful week at work and coming home to what my brain saw as chaos I was consumed by anger and became someone I didn’t like but someone I saw more and more often. At first, my brain told me that it was normal and I needed to be this way to get things done. Yet deep down in my soul, I knew there had to be a better way.
After giving myself a timeout, I started mapping out what I wanted in life. I started creating life goals that were more than career goals, or health goals. They weren’t just what I wanted to do with my career, or how much I wanted to weigh. They were how I wanted to live my days, who I wanted in my life, and the positive influences I want to have around me. My life goals included the person I wanted to be around my husband and my kids.
This was the core foundation for changing my life, for creating a life I love. Next, I needed to come up with a plan to make these happen.
What is Your Biggest Life Goal Obstacle?
I used to look outside myself for the answers to what I was missing. I was always searching for the next best solution to whatever obstacle was in my way. I’d look for life hacks and organizational hints to help me fix this or that and simplify life just a little more.
I figured that if I reduced the stress for me then I could improve life even more. BUT that is just a surface fix. These solutions help but they aren’t the real obstacle.
My biggest obstacle was always my brain and the beliefs it told me.
Years ago, when looking at some personal life goals, specifically around the person I wanted to be and the relationships I wanted to have with my children and my husband. I set out to look inside myself and change what I didn’t like, improving myself so I could become the person I wanted to be for them. What I didn’t realize then, but I know without a doubt now, it was at this moment I started to break the generational cycle of beliefs that would change, not only my life but my family’s life.
Fast forward years later, my life goals have evolved and morphed into a life I love. Yet, while working through a current life goal for my business, I finally looked within to figure out why I was struggling to overcome this one obstacle.
You see, seeking outside solutions wasn’t working for me. I could see it working for others but there was something I was missing and couldn’t figure out what was stopping me. Then I looked within and discovered with the help of my own mindset coach what my brain had been telling me.
As children, our brains collect information and beliefs about how life should be for us and how to protect us in the world we live in. It helps us survive that world. I started breaking beliefs years ago, but there was a message my brain still held onto to protect me. It believed that I needed to live small to protect myself from potential trauma. My brain had been telling me to act like others so I conform to the norm. Both of these hurt me in my business goals because I did what others were doing but not what fed my soul. I did just enough to test the waters, but not enough to make a huge splash.
I wasn’t aligned with my purpose and when I was I wasn’t living big enough. I felt shackled to this cage that was keeping me “safe” but making me miserable. All I could see was a vision for a life goal, yet I couldn’t reach it. Then I hacked the beliefs holding me back and realized all the things I was doing to self-sabotage myself.
My brain kept me from being at my best, killing my confidence because my brain was scared I’d get hurt again. Now that I know this, life is getting easier again. I’m shaking up my world and there are many moments my brain freaks out, but I lean into the fear knowing that there is more for me on the other side of it.
Why am I sharing this?
My professional career, as an Industrial Engineer, created systems to help improve your productivity and efficiencies. However, as a mindset coach, I know that none of those will matter if you aren’t working on your biggest life goal obstacles first: the beliefs your brain tells you. Once you have the key to the cage your brain has put you in, the world is yours and life goals won’t seem so hard.
Before You Go