These 10 inspirational quotes about happiness will help bring clarity and focus. Working moms can use them to eliminate discouragement and continue working towards their dreams. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Energy for Life

Where is Happiness? | Finding Inspiration When Life is Hard

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Where is happiness when life sucks? Looking for inspiration during challenging times is comforting. Being reminded of what happiness is during low periods of your journey can lift you up and bring clarity and focus.

When life is busy and throwing you curve balls, dark clouds can often overshadow your journey in life. It is during those tough times that I look for inspiration.

It isn’t always easy opening yourself to others, and sometimes you might be surrounded by a lot of negativity or stress. Finding ways to bring positive influence in your life will help bring clarity to what matters most for you, and renewed focus for achieving your goals in life.

I was going through a bit of brain exhaustion recently because I failed at balancing my career and my self-care. That irony hasn’t escaped me at all. You see, I help people improve their productivity in their work-life so they can improve their life, bringing more balance into their daily life. Where did I fail?

In my passion for helping others, I neglected to set defined work hours (one of the scheduling rules in my Productivity Blueprint – Simplify Life Your Way). The other failure was not giving myself permission to have more quiet moments. The result?

It was a migraine, the first since my health journey started months ago, and it was followed by a wave of negativity that came crashing towards me. When times like this happen I do two things:

  1. I reflect on what isn’t working in my life, using the process found in the Simplify Life Your Way.
  2. I look for inspirational quotes to help bring clarity and focus on my journey.

10 Inspirational Quotes

Here are 10 inspirational quotes that helped me answer the question, “Where is Happiness?”. Hopefully, they help you in some small way as well.

Start designing the life of your dreams today! #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Start designing the life of your dreams today!


It may not be what you expect but be happy, there is a reason you are on this path. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
It may not be what you expect but be happy, there is a reason you are on this path.


Don't be afraid to achieve your dreams. Strive for the freedom to live life fully. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Don’t be afraid to achieve your dreams. Strive for the freedom to live life fully.


Enjoy life as you have it now. Take moments to appreciate the present moment. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Enjoy life as you have it now. Take moments to appreciate the present moment.


Happiness is found through your purpose in life. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Happiness is found through your purpose in life.


Love what you do. Life is too short to hate your career. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Love what you do. Life is too short to hate your career.


Break those barriers and live life fully. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Break those barriers and live life fully.


Don't let others design your life. Find your creativity and design the life of your dreams! #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Don’t let others design your life. Find your creativity and design the life of your dreams!


Plan, take action, achieve those goals and you will recognize your strength and be happy the road was what it was. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Plan, take action, achieve those goals and you will recognize your strength and be happy the road was what it was.


Choose life, embrace every lesson and be happy. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife
Choose life, embrace every lesson, and be happy.

Where is Happiness?

I found 3 lessons in these 10 inspirational quotes:

  1. Embrace the life you have now, accept the challenges and choose to continue overcoming them bit by bit.
  2. Life might not work out the way you envisioned but there is always a reason for this path. Find the lesson, learn from it, and embrace that moment of clarity.
  3. Love what you do, always. Life is too short to hate your career. Find your purpose in life, align it with your passions, and there you will find happiness and success.

Where do you find happiness? Where do you find inspiration and clarity? Leave your favorite inspirational quote in the comments below. I’d love to see what inspires you.









Before You Go


These 10 inspirational quotes about happiness will help bring clarity and focus. Working moms can use them to eliminate discouragement and continue working towards their dreams. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelifeStop negativity & find inspiration here. 10 inspirational quotes about happiness will help bring clarity and focus. Working moms can use them to eliminate discouragement and continue working towards their dreams. #careerwomen #workingmothers #inspirationalquotes #careeradvice #selfcare #reflection #mindfulness #seekingsimplelife


  • Kim

    Happiness is so important. Finding that balance and staying positive can be hard. The little things in life make me song that is uplifting or hearing my son laugh. Small things can have such a big impact on happiness.

    • Jacquie | Seeking Simple Life

      I so agree! There is nothing like laughter and a great song! Thank you for the great reminder to enjoy the small moments!

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