A Digital Lifesaver for Any Family – Cozi Family Organizer
Have you wished that you weren’t the only one responsible for shopping, planning schedules, meal planning, and more? What if I told you that I found a way to easily share those tasks with your family, even if you are out of town? You don’t need to be the only person in the family answering “Do we have plans on Saturday?”.
There is no need to be super mom and try and do it all when you can let the team pitch in. After all, a family that works together as a team, saves mom’s sanity! Am I right?!
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When I first found the Cozi Family Organizer, I had three kids at home: three different schools, three vastly different stages in their lives, and three different extra-curricular passions. Both my husband and I worked outside the home and we spent a large portion of our “home” time, not at home. Sound familiar?
When the work and kid activities started taking us out of town more, we needed a solution to help organize our time. We also needed a way to help us stay on track with our plan to reduce the drive-thru meals. Paper wasn’t working, and I was tired of the endless lists at the bottom of my purse!
Key items I was looking for in a digital organizer:
- multi-user capable
- shared calendar
- shared grocery list
Multi-user capable
I dreamed of my husband using the schedule app, without having to ask me what the plan was. I even had visions of him using the grocery list to get the groceries for our planned meals, while I was out of town. Cozi Family Organizer allowed the family to add users to the family profile. It has a shared profile so that multiple people could use the same app, all sharing content to work as a team.
Shared Calendar
From standard paper calendars to digital calendars we have used them all to organize our family of five. At times, trying to keep everyone’s activities, vacations, work schedules and school schedules in check was enough to send this mom over the edge. A digital calendar was a decent solution to helping stay on top of events because I didn’t have to wait to get home to look at the calendar.
The problem was my husband didn’t have the calendar so he relied on me to respond to every invite. There had to be a better way. I was looking for a shared calendar that we both had access to and Cozi Family Planner has that.
Shared Grocery List
I was out of town for our daughter’s dance competition and we had planned to be home Sunday afternoon, but there were changes and her group was in a finale which meant a very late night drive home. Now what? We were trying to eat healthier and avoid the drive-thru as much as possible.
How do I fix this? There had to be a better way, then endless text messages to try and sort it out. With the Cozi Grocery List, our family can create the list and anyone can see the list immediately.
Wait! There’s more!
Try the Cozi Family Organizer today. It’s FREE!
Cozi Family Organizer is the perfect solution for our family and it is a free download. I love a free app that is useful and not a time waster! In addition to being a free download, here a just a few of the ways my family has made this tool useful for them:
- Kids were added to the profile as they entered the smartphone world
- Teens were able to add their personal items to grocery list when they ran out
- Extra-curricular activities turned into work schedules, the shared schedule helped plan vehicle usage versus carpooling.
- Adults were able to create To-do lists for vacation prep, house renovations, and much more.
- Our daughter has even created a school prep list so she doesn’t forget anything.
- Our son that’s living across the country looks at the calendar so that he can ask his little sister about a dance competition. (okay, I melted when he did that. Just.a.little.)
Obviously, digital is not for everyone but it was one of the main tools that helped save my sanity. I don’t know how many times family or friends asked me how I manage with three children. I can honestly tell you that one of the main tools that saved my sanity was a digital calendar.
Digital calendars aside, it was only when I found Cozi Family Organizer that the weight of being the sole family planner was lifted off my shoulders. I was no longer the only person that could answer the “are we free to [insert activity]” question.
If I was out of town on business, the family wasn’t going to fall into chaos because only I had the schedule. Now if my husband is at the store and I have forgotten to add an item to the list, I just add it and he can see it. I don’t need to wonder if he got my text. It’s that simple.
Before You Go