When You Want to Avoid Your Feelings
Emotions can be tough to deal with, especially if you are finding yourself extremely emotional lately. When you want to avoid your feelings that resistance seems to bring up more emotions and they become persistent. Until you either go down a destructive path or decide to face the emotions and start healing.
Are you at this crossroads right now? Are you trying to decide to surrender to your emotions so you can start to heal, or will you continue to avoid your feelings and fight this internal battle?
I feel you.
I see you.
I’m creating space for you right now.
Enter into this space knowing that it is safe and I will help you along this part of your journey as you surrender to your emotions.
When You Want to Avoid Your Feelings
When you are avoiding your feelings you have this constant inner battle within you – eating away at you and allowing you to feel hate, anger, fear, resentment, and judgment. At first, you think it is towards others, and they may have felt that way too. But you will soon see that those feelings are a reflection of how you are feeling toward yourself.
All of those emotions are you avoiding your feelings and trying not to accept them, so you are judging those emotions, feeling resentment towards yourself for having them, angry that you are being asked to deal with them, and hate that about yourself. You are scared.
AND this is all normal.
Your brain is trying to protect you from having to deal with old trauma, old feelings, old beliefs that you have pushed deep down inside of you. They are now coming to the surface and it is freaking your brain out – big time.
But avoiding those feelings is creating more turmoil in your life. There is more struggle than necessary and what’s waiting for you beyond the healing is freedom from all of this struggle. You even find yourself exhausted from constantly being busy because if you slow down you start to feel everything again. You may even find yourself pushing people away.
What will your decision be?
Surrendering to the Emotional Messages
Something deep inside of you is wanting it to be resolved. Healing is necessary for you so you can start creating a life you love. You are tired of the struggle, tired of the battles and just want more from life.
There is a better way and journaling your thoughts as you go through this will help bring clarity.
- Recognize how you are feeling and admit to the feelings you are feeling – giving yourself the space you need to do this.
- Look at why you are feeling that way – the past might try to creep into your thoughts but ask yourself why that matters to you now.
- What is the message or pattern being revealed to you about yourself – what are you avoiding?
- What do you need to resolve and let go of?
- Be kind to yourself – by not resisting anymore, just own the feeling without holding any judgment, examine it, and release it so you can continue growing along your journey.
Often times when we are seeing patterns around us that are bringing up old trauma, we are being asked to heal from those events so that we can help past and future generations heal. We are being called to do more and fulfill a bigger purpose in life. Other times, messages are hidden inside those feelings that will show us how unkind we’ve been towards ourselves.
Once you work through these emotions, I want you to take the time to be kind to yourself. You’ve just unearthed some huge issues that you’ve been avoiding for a while. If self-care wasn’t necessary before, it is now! Breathe, relax, and use nature to ground yourself. You are what matters right now. Let yourself heal, the rest can wait.
Before You Go