Why Will the Meek Inherit the Earth?
We are in a spiritual battle right now, and although we are promised in Matthew 5:5 that the meek shall inherit the earth, how do we know we are on the good side of the battle? What does being meek feel like and are we doing everything we can do to help be the light during these dark times? Why will the meek inherit the earth?
These are the questions I asked during one early morning talk with the Divine as I laid my frustrations, worries, and energetic exhaustion around world events down. These are the questions I asked our Divine Creators for all Creation in my search for knowing we will lovingly win this spiritual battle for earth.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5
I’ve learned to dig deep into the true energetic meanings of words when something doesn’t resonate with the Divine energy flowing through me. I trust those internal nudges to look further for the lesson I need to grow and expand along my journey. This is precisely what happened during this early morning talk with the Divine. I was shown that the modern-day definition of ‘meek’ is not energetically correct. In this article, I will show you what the Divine revealed to me about meekness and why the meek will inherit the earth.
What Is Meekness?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the meek “endure injury with patience and without resentment”, are “deficient in spirit and courage”, and they are “not violent or strong”. When I read this something felt off with this definition because it didn’t align with the Divine messages revealed about meekness. I continued my search for greater understanding.
Within the Collins English Dictionary the meek are “patient and mild; not inclined to anger or resentment”, “too submissive; easily imposed on; spineless; spiritless, and “obsolete”. Energetically, the “not inclined to anger or resentment” was closer to what was shown to me, but I questioned the rest so I continued my search for answers because so far it just looked like these definitions were societal conditionings being imposed upon us to believe being meek was being weak.
I was starting to wonder if these definitions were trying to sway us away from the spiritual journey that brings us closer to the Divine Creators of All Creation?
Then I found this quote from Swami Sivananda, “Humility is not cowardice. Meekness is not weakness. Humility and meekness are indeed spiritual powers.” I was starting to see the connection between what I was shown, and what someone else was shown. Notice the difference between this quote and the definition in the Collins English Dictionary? Sivananda claims meekness is a spiritual power, whereas the dictionary definition calls it spiritless.
Digging further, I found the root word of ‘meek’ comes from an Old Norse definition relating to “muck, mucus, slimy or slippery” and ‘-ness’ is a “state of, condition of, quality of, or degree of”. On the surface that looks extremely confusing.
Again, I was starting to question the direction I was shown when looking at the results of these definitions until I was shown that being meek, or shall I say becoming meek, was noticing the state of ‘muck’ around you and within you.
Becoming meek is learning to notice your own triggers and growth opportunities and valuing others enough to walk away from unhealthy situations.
The Meek are Spiritual Warriors
In that early morning talk with the Divine, I saw meekness as being a spiritual warrior in the purest and loving way.
Meekness is strength, not weakness;
boldness, not timidness;
active, not inactive;
empowering, not disempowering;
confidence, not complacency.
A meek person has the loving strength to look within with integrity before reacting to others,
honors and respects everyone’s journey as it is (including their own),
and boldly walks the path put before them as they are guided by the Divine energy within them.
Meekness is a Virtue
Philosophers, such as Aristotle, believed meekness to be a virtue because it is a balance of two extremes. Somewhere through time, the definitions of meekness lost their alignment with being a virtue. Aristotle saw meekness as not over-powering or trying to manipulate another, but also not being a victim of circumstance. It was knowing that you could live life in meekness by recognizing when you are in the shadows and trusting your intuition, your spiritual guidance, to help show you a better path that honors yourself and the other person.
How Aristotle saw meekness, aligned completely with what I was shown in that early morning lesson. Energetically, meekness as a virtue is centered within our Lower Chakras. It is how we use the energy within those chakras that help us to master our meekness. The Light Mastery Map found within the Alignment Resources helps identify when we are in the shadows and not in meekness; when we are in powerlessness and not using our natural Divine energy for support and guidance.
If you were to look at the Light Mastery Map the Powerlessness column details both bully and victim situations. These are the extremes that cause people to either control and manipulate situations or other people, or to fall into complacency or victimhood. The journey of self-mastery towards meekness takes strength, honor, integrity, love, and trust.
The meek are far from weak, spiritless, timid, and spineless. In fact, the meek include these very empowering characteristics that they gain by having the courage to look at their own muck so they can heal, release, and deepen their relationship with not only their souls but their Divine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels.
The Typical Meek Person
The empowering characteristics of the meek are plentiful. The meek:
- are teachable
- honor themselves and others
- practice self-mastery
- boldly walk their journey
- forgive others and themselves so they may release and surrender that which is no longer helping them
- accept and love their journey
- knows they are supported always
- owns their actions and their reactions
- are confident
- serve others with love
- surrender to Spiritual guidance
What Does Meek Feel Like?
Energetically, being meek is empowering, loving, protective, and supportive for everyone. It is finding the words and actions to show others that you are lovingly rejecting the manipulation and control being impressed upon you. (note: if you said this to someone at the moment it would probably not go well – please ask your inner guidance for the words and actions that will allow you to safely walk away from that moment)
Being meek has nothing to do with having to withstand injury from someone else. It is knowing that you can have boundaries, and protect yourself by not staying in harm’s way. It is lovingly not allowing yourself to be a victim while removing yourself lovingly gives the other person the opportunity to not be the bully or abuser.
Being meek is realizing when you are trying to control situations or others instead of trusting in the Divine guidance has been trying to give you. It is slowing down in those moments to surrender to the growth opportunities being presented to you.
The meek know they are supported by their inner Spiritual guidance, their intuition. They have worked through or are working through their own shadow moments with courage and integrity so they can confidently know the path their soul desires. They know the loving and trusting energy the Divine has for them because they have learned to love and trust themselves along their journey.
The journey of the meek is to share in the knowledge they have learned so others may learn as well. We are all learning the love and light flowing through us and being meek is accepting it, absorbing it, and sharing it with others.
Why Will the Meek Inherit the Earth?
If the meek are like those defined in the dictionaries, they are considered “obsolete, spineless, and without spirit”. Yet the Divine Creators of All Creation have promised that the meek will inherit the earth. Why would they give the Earth to those without spirit? This doesn’t make sense because we all have Divine energy flowing through us, how we acknowledge it and empower ourselves with it is what helps us be meek.
As stated earlier, Aristotle called meekness a virtue, and to be a virtue meekness has to be in balance of two extremes. In this case, meekness is to be in balance between trying to manipulate and control others and being a victim of those that try to manipulate and control you. It is noticing the state of muck for those situations and finding a way towards the narrow pathway of light that will bring balance for all.
The energy we have been experiencing over the last few years has helped us see the muck weighing us down. It is helped us to heal from trauma, forgive those and ourselves for the past, and showed us a deeper connection with not only our own soul but with the Divine as well. The energy over the last few years has lovingly guided us towards the path of meekness, even if we didn’t realize it until this very moment.
To do this work isn’t easy. It takes a warrior mindset, determined to seek a deeper connection with something bigger than yourself. It takes courage to face old fears and beliefs with integrity, knowing that you are being guided to expand infinitely.
To do this work, truckloads of loving energy need to flow through you so you don’t spend your days in a crumbling pile of rubble. Once you’ve done this that abundantly loving energy flows through you to others as you choose love over hate; choose boundaries over control; choose trust over doubt.
But why will the meek inherit the earth? How do we know we can win this spiritual war?
The End Times Align
Both the New Testament and Old Testament have confirmed that the meek will inherit the earth. Psalm 37:11 “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.” Does that mean we can sit back and let the world around us burn until that time comes? No.
Remember that part of being meek is being active, not inactive. It is working through our own stuff so we aren’t reacting out of anger, judgment, and frustration to everything around us. It is actively choosing to pause before reacting and becoming a more loving and trusting being.
The Bible supports the message, and through the guidance, I have been shown, there are other belief systems that believe we are transitioning into a new age. This new age is one of pure loving energy where we learn to love each other and the journey without limiting expectations. There is no need to manipulate or control another when we are using this pure loving energy.
The transition into the new beginning brings peace for over a 1000 years for those that learn how to live in meekness, and are lovingly choosing to be of service to others. This doesn’t mean that we are choosing to be victims. It means that we are choosing to be the spiritual warrior that respects and honors everyone’s journey enough to lovingly reject the control and manipulation being impressed upon us. It means we are sending love to those that want to take our freedoms away, while we confidently take the steps we are being guided to take by our Divine Guides, Master Teachers, and Archangels.
We, the people, have the power within us to be the change the world needs. We have the power to choose meekness over this need to enforce a controlling power over others. The Divine is helping us healing so it is easier to choose meekness for ourselves and the people of the earth. That is love.
Before You Go