Feeling Disconnected Relates to the Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is your access to a higher consciousness that brings a deep sense of peace about life. This chakra reveals inner and outer beauty, brings a deeper connection to your spiritual self, and it is pure open-mindedness. Essentially, when you have a healthy Crown Chakra, you feel a deep connection with your body: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is common these days for many people to be feeling disconnected. Let’s explore how this relates to the Crown Chakra and some healing methods available to you today.
The past year has been hard on many people and many have been feeling disconnected from others, not only physically but emotionally. Many can be in a room with others, yet feel alone. When working with people, they will often express feeling disconnected within themselves as well.
What could be causing this feeling of disconnection, and does it truly relate to the Crown Chakra? In short, the toxic energy you are holding within you is causing the feeling of disconnection within you, but keep reading to find out how.
Feeling Disconnected and How it Relates to the Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is both a receiver and a giver of energy and consciousness, connecting with the consciousness light grids. When we are connected energetically with and through our Crown, we are truly interacting with the collective and are part of the big picture. When there is toxic energy within the Crown Chakra, the connection won’t be as strong; pure light energy keeps the connection clear. Essentially this is how you keep your vibration high when manifesting positively toward your dreams.
The energy of your Crown Chakra, when healthy, allows you to transcend barriers beyond the laws of nature. Often when this chakra is activated, heightened spiritual gifts are revealed and the unknown before is suddenly obvious. When you are working within the power of the Crown Chakra, life is easier to live with gratitude, faith, and trust. The knowing you have within the Crown helps bring clarity through the other chakras in your body because that informational energy moves through the other chakras as well.
Physically this chakra is associated with your pineal gland, brain and nervous system, hands, and pituitary gland. Having a sharp mind, healthy reflexes, and resilience to stress is a strong indication that this chakra is healthy.
Emotionally, an unbalanced Crown Chakra will be revealed if the person has trouble with sleeplessness, depression, a feeling of disconnection, and feeling victimized. These may reflect having to control or dominate situations or others or being close-minded. Remember when I said earlier that the Crown is a giver and receiver of energy?
Well, the energy we are holding within the lower chakras within our body will flow up to the Crown as well, making it difficult to understand what to do if we are consumed with doubt and fears. An unbalanced Crown chakra might have the person experiencing feelings of psychosis, overwhelm, confusion, frustration, dissociation, apathy, isolation, depression, lack of inspiration, and feeling ungrounded.
Healing this Chakra helps you consciously see how to adjust your actions and feelings to align with the life you want: physically, emotionally, and mentally. You feel empowered to do the work necessary to be the change you need, to create the life you love.
Most sources will indicate that healing chakras can be done through affirmations, using crystals, diet, color therapy, sound therapy, or yoga. While this is true, Reiki therapy is also another effective way to energetically heal the Crown Chakra.
The Chakra Cleanse & Flow clears not only the energy you know you need to clear, but it also cleanses the chakra from all of the energy you are ready to heal from subconsciously as well. It essentially gives you a fresh start to keep your Crown Chakra healthy – actually it is a healing package that gives all your chakras a clean slate.
The toxic energy held within the chakras is collected through beliefs, habits, and trauma we’ve endured or have inherited generationally. Therefore it stands to reason, that mindset work is an effective way to alchemize these habits and reduce the triggers in your life.
For years I have struggled with depression and anxiety. Clearing out the toxic energy helped me see and understand how I wanted to create a life I love. It showed me what was possible and having a clear Crown Chakra gives me clear direction and the higher vibrations, I need to manifest my dreams into reality. So when I am feeling disconnected, that is the first sign that I need to scan my Crown Chakra to clear out any energy that is getting in my way.
When doing this work, it is essential to not hold any judgment towards yourself for feeling or reacting to something that has triggered you. I personally celebrate when this happens because I have first recognized it before reacting (that gets easier with practice), and two it is another opportunity to heal and raise my vibrations.
When considering the Crown Chakra, be mindful of the thought patterns you have around your purpose, as well as the connections you have with others and yourself. Then take action to change those thought patterns. Using affirmations will work if you ensure you are clearing the energetics behind them. For example, saying “I trust my intuition” needs to sound like you really do trust yourself. You need to strike a tone of truth when you say the affirmations to tell the energy to release and be alchemized into light energy…Even if you need to keep repeating it until you do strike that tone of truth.
Alchemizing Affirmations for your Crown Chakra
I speak the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
I have integrity.
This is who I am.
I trust my intuition.
I feel the truth within my body, and I listen to it.
I am at peace.
I am connected with the wisdom of the Divine.
I am master of my time and space always.
This is what I know.
This is what I am doing.
This is my vision.
I have a dream. I am living that dream.
Other Healthy Actions for your Crown Chakra
Earth is healing and the natural cycles of nature are what our physical and spiritual selves need to connect both with ourselves and with others. It is essential to give yourself the space to reconnect with nature and align with the cycles of nature.
Being still brings wisdom.
When we learn to pause and reflect before reacting, we move from a world where life is a mirror, into life is a window and we can change that window into a portal of opportunity.
Nourish your Crown Chakra with incense and smudging herbs like sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper. Meditation helps to connect with this chakra however when you are feeling ungrounded, use nature to help you ground for more balance.
The Crown Chakra is associated with and empowered by the Fire Elemental energy. To help yourself ground for healing, allow yourself to consciously be aware of the Divine fire energy within you supporting you and cleansing you. A visual tool is helpful for inspiration via lighting a candle or sitting by a fire. The Elemental Fire Energy is a comforting warmth that soothes your soul and cleanses your energies by transmuting all that you are intentionally choosing to release. It is supporting you by being there for you as you sort your limiting thoughts, beliefs, and all the habitual patterns that you think might be creating disharmony within your manifestations.
If you are visual and need a physical representation so your brain believes the fire is transmuting this energy, you can write down the limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habitual patterns your Divine Feminine has guided you to let go of. With each one, burn them (safely), and allow yourself to feel your energy move within your Crown empowering you to see yourself and your dreams with new perspectives.
Finally, reach out if you have any questions or thoughts, you’d like to explore with me. I am here to work with you if you would like. The Crown Chakra is an essential piece to our personal growth journey, connecting within, and feeling empowered. All of these methods will provide profound healing opportunities for you if you choose to do this healing work. If you are reading this, I know you are exploring new ways to heal, and are open to transforming the life you are living. I also know that you know to transform your life you need to start with healing yourself. I am so proud of you for recognizing that very important opportunity!
Welcome to your journey!
Before You Go