Heal your Throat Chakra for Clearer Communication
The Throat Chakra is your manifestation and communication center, so it makes sense that you would need to heal your Throat Chakra for clearer communication. What we say in words manifests into our reality and how we are communicating with others affects our relationships in many areas of our life. So what happens when the energy we are trying to release through our Throat Chakra is not pure?
When there is stuck energy in the Throat Chakra, life will have struggles and we may feel like we aren’t being heard.
I know. That is a big statement, but when you break it down it is true. I’ll explain more about this and will give you some additional healing methods you can use to help you heal your Throat Chakra.
The Throat Chakra is deeply connected to your personal integrity and your sense of honor. It is how you are expressing yourself, your beliefs, and what you want in life. Even if we aren’t using our outside voice the vibrations of our thoughts flow through the Throat Chakra to talk to our Heart Chakra and the lower Chakra system. Words are vibrations, even while in thought.
The element for this Chakra is the Air element. In other words, this chakra adds air to the fire we nurtured from our Crown and Third Eye Chakra to help us express our manifestations and notice the vibrations we are using. The balanced energy from the Heart’s desires and from the Divine, along with the Intuitive knowledge we have within our Center of Value, help us sort through the vibrational challenges that happen within this chakra. The Throat Chakra uses the energy from the Crown and Third Eye to know the vision we have for our life and the value it means for us, and the energy from the Heart helps us express what we desire and create a life we love.
Heal your Throat Chakra for Clearer Communication
The energy of your Throat Chakra, when healthy, allows you to express yourself with truth, and with potent accuracy, but it relies on your lower chakras and heart chakra to be healthy as well. When these chakras are running smoothly, you are the master of your time and energy. You can create and know that, no matter what, you will succeed.
Note: When you are the master of your time, productivity isn’t a concern because you naturally are effectively focusing on what matters.
Emotionally, an unbalanced Throat Chakra will be revealed if the person has trouble expressing themselves, feels misunderstood, or too afraid to speak up. This is because the Throat Chakra has pulled toxic energy from the lower chakra system and through the Heart Chakra and is trying to speak through this toxic energy. The result is the energy of what you are saying isn’t what you are meaning to say.
All the energy around fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are being pulled up and expressed from the Throat Chakra. So if you have a scratchy throat or a “lump in the throat” there may be an energetic reason for it. Being able to be still and listen to what others are saying, and what your soul and the Divine are saying to you is essential with this chakra.
Physically this chakra is associated with your thyroid, respiratory system, teeth, vocal cords, jaw, neck, ears, esophagus, shoulders, and ears. An excellent metabolism is a good sign that this chakra is healthy. Physically it can be presented through thyroid disease, neck pain, laryngitis, acid reflux, cough, hypo or hyperthyroid, TMJ, strep infections, tinnitus, teeth, or gum problems.
Healing this Chakra helps you consciously see how to adjust your actions and feelings to align with the life you want: spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. You feel empowered to do the work necessary to be the change you need, to create the life you love.
Most sources will indicate that healing chakras can be done through affirmations, using crystals, diet, color therapy, sound therapy, or yoga. While this is true, Reiki therapy will is also another effective way to energetically heal the Throat Chakra.
The Chakra Cleanse & Flow clears not only the energy you know you need to clear, but it also cleanses the chakra from all of the energy you are ready to heal from subconsciously as well. It essentially gives you a fresh start to keep your Throat Chakra healthy – actually, this package offers a clean slate healing opportunity for all chakras.
The toxic energy held within the chakras is collected through beliefs, habits, and trauma we’ve endured or have inherited generationally. Therefore it stands to reason, that mindset work is an effective way to alchemize these habits and reduce the triggers in your life.
When I sat down to write this article, I could feel my throat closing up. I was being triggered, which surprised me because I haven’t been triggered for a long time (that happens when you clear the massive amount of toxic energy as I have). When I explored what was behind the trigger I was guided to look within. Using my Third Eye, I saw the toxic energy I needed to clear from my Throat Chakra. I have a pretty good idea of what this energy is from, but until I clear out the toxic energy, clarity is harder to discern.
When doing this work, it is essential to not hold any judgment towards yourself for feeling or reacting to something that has triggered you. I personally celebrate when this happens because I have first recognized it before reacting (that gets easier with practice), and two it is another opportunity to heal and raise my vibrations.
When considering the Throat Chakra, be mindful of how you are feeling when you are communicating with others and within yourself. Using affirmations will work if you ensure you are clearing the energetics behind them. For example, saying “I have integrity” needs to sound like you not only have integrity with others but you hold integrity with yourself as well. You need to strike a tone of truth when you say the affirmations to tell the energy to release and be alchemized into light energy…Even if you need to keep repeating it until you do strike that tone of truth.
Alchemizing Affirmations for your Throat Chakra
I speak the truth.
I see the truth.
I know the truth.
I have integrity.
I live with an abundance of gratitude.
I feel the truth within my body, and I listen to it.
I am at peace.
I know what I love and express it freely.
I am the master of my time and space always.
This is what I know.
This is what I am doing.
This is my vision.
I have a dream. I am living that dream.
This is who I am.
Other Healthy Actions for your Throat Chakra
It is essential for you to give yourself the space to explore the energetics of what you are saying to yourself and others regularly. Explore how you could change the words or the tone to reflect a deeper positive impact.
Remember, when you are being still, you bring wisdom.
When we learn to pause and reflect before reacting, we move from a world where life is a mirror, into life is a window and we can change that window into a portal of opportunity.
In addition, when you are healing your Throat Chakra physically, soothe it with liquids like water, fruit juices, and herbal teas.
With the Throat Chakra empowered by and connected to the Air element, noticing words being used in thoughts and being expressed is extremely important. Mental relief for this air element can be done through consciously letting go of false beliefs while feeling the wind blow over you, or breathing out. Then breathe in the fresh air and new perspectives for healing the energy. Clearing the air for yourself is through vibrationally choosing to release all that is no longer serving you. It is walking away from toxic influences that seed your mind and emotions unknowingly. It is allowing the Divine Feminine to give you the guidance and courage to do and say whatever is necessary to honor yourself and others at every step.
Finally, reach out if you have any questions or thoughts, you’d like to explore with me. I am here to coach you if you would like. The Throat Chakra is an essential piece to our personal growth journey, connecting within, and feeling empowered. All of these methods will provide profound healing opportunities for you if you choose to do this healing work. If you are reading this, I know you are exploring new ways to heal, and are open to transforming the life you are living. I also know that you know to transform your life you need to start with healing yourself. I am so proud of you for recognizing that very important opportunity!
Welcome to your journey!
Before You Go