Heal your Solar Plexus Chakra and Rediscover Empowerment
The Solar Plexus Chakra is your personal power center. This chakra is the last Chakra in the lower chakra system within your body and it is powered by the Root Chakra and the Sacral Chakra. It is the chakra that regulates a sense of identity, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. It is time to heal your Solar Plexus Chakra and rediscover empowerment by learning how to identify a blocked chakra and learn some healing methods available to you.
Emotionally, an unbalanced Solar Plexus will create self-doubt, guilt, and insecurity. The root of blockages in this chakra often relates to abandonment and patterns of feeling victimized. The natural habits created by the brain will reinforce patterns to give your power away, paralyzing fear of what could happen, a need to keep moving, and a self-belief that life has limited opportunities.
When this chakra is operating subconsciously the ego is running things. People will often not consciously see why they are struggling, but keep going and keep doing things. They find it hard to hear their intuition because they are busy trying to make it better and they aren’t slowing down enough to listen to the “supercomputer” within themselves – their heart.
Heal your Solar Plexus Chakra and Rediscover Empowerment
The energy of your Solar Plexus Chakra, when healthy, allows you to take full ownership of all parts of yourself. You can express who you are, and still be open to new information you’ve never been aware of before. You hold a strong sense of empowerment and stand in that power to live life on your terms.
You know when to slow down to listen to your heart and you take action when you need to, with precision. When this chakra is unbalanced, you will find yourself looking for outside advice or you will compare yourself to others. Jealousy might rear its ugly head when you least expect it, and you might feel the need to win arguments that don’t really matter in the BIG Picture.
Physically this chakra is associated with your central nervous system, adrenals, pancreas, liver, digestive tract, gall bladder, and skin. Hypertension, disorders with the stomach, and chronic fatigue are also linked to a blocked Solar Plexus.
Healing this Chakra helps you consciously see how to adjust your actions and feelings to align with the life you want: spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. You feel empowered to do the work necessary to be the change you need, to create the life you love.
The Solar Plexus is the center for allowing the Divine healing energy to flow through your entire being.
Most sources will indicate that healing chakras can be done through affirmations, using crystals, diet, color therapy, sound therapy, or yoga. While this is true, Reiki therapy will is also another effective way to energetically heal the Solar Plexus Chakra.
The Chakra Cleanse & Flow clears not only the energy you know you need to clear, but it also cleanses the chakra from all of the energy you are ready to heal from subconsciously as well. It essentially gives you a fresh start to keep your Solar Plexus Chakra healthy – actually, this package is designed to give you a clean slate by healing all your chakras.
The toxic energy held within the chakras is collected through beliefs, habits, and trauma we’ve endured or have inherited generationally. Therefore it stands to reason, that mindset work is an effective way to alchemize these habits and reduce the triggers in your life.
I had a deep case of poor self-worth and it impacted my personal life and my business in many, many ways. I spent years trying to “fix” my self-esteem but once I cleared the toxic energy within my Solar Plexus, I could finally see what was needed and could actually make a plan that would fit my life. It was so refreshing to feel self-empowered and not rely on an outside cheerleading team to keep me motivated.
When doing this work, it is essential to not hold any judgment towards yourself for feeling or reacting to something that has triggered you. I personally celebrate when this happens because I have first recognized it before reacting (that gets easier with practice), and two it is another opportunity to heal and raise my vibrations.
When considering the Solar Plexus Chakra, be mindful of the thought patterns you have around self-doubt, self-worth, and self-confidence, and then take action to change those thought patterns. Using affirmations will work if you ensure you are clearing the energetics behind them. For example, saying “I am free to choose any situation” needs to sound like you honestly will do this no matter what. You need to strike a tone of truth when you say the affirmations to tell the energy to release and be alchemized into light energy…Even if you need to keep repeating it until you do strike that tone of truth.
Alchemizing Affirmations for your Solar Plexus Chakra
I love and accept myself.
This is what I am doing.
I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
I choose the best for myself.
This is what I love.
This is what I know.
This is what will be.
In empowering others, I am empowered.
I am responsible for my well-being.
I create the space I need.
I honor myself.
I direct my own life.
I am free to choose any situation.
I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
I am at peace with myself.
I am authentic.
Other Healthy Actions for your Solar Plexus Chakra
I’d like you to create for yourself, including allowing time to meditate. Slow yourself down enough to recognize how you are feeling. Connect with your feelings and use them as a guide to help direct your growth and development.
Remember that being still, will bring wisdom.
When we learn to pause and reflect before reacting, we move from a world where life is a mirror, into life is a window and we can change that window into a portal of opportunity.
Foods that help your Solar Plexus Chakra include grains like cereal, rice, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and daily milk products like milk, cheeses, yogurt. Ginger, mints, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, fennel also spice up the chakra.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is connected to your emotional wellbeing and the water element. When you are feeling like healing is not possible or there is resistance to allowing the healing energy to flow through you using water as a grounding tool is extremely powerful. This could be consciously allowing your self feel or experience various forms of water in your life. Depending upon your situation, the water will help to cleanse the energies easier. If you are needing to reflect upon what you have been resisting and you are finding your solar plexus has been tight, bathing in a warm bath while reflecting will help. As you release water allow yourself to release all that does not serve you any longer.
If you are ready to cleanse but feel the energies sticking around for some reason, a shower or washing your hands while consciously allowing the flow of water to take the energies away from you will help residual energies heal. Allowing yourself to express your emotions is healthy and healing for your solar plexus. Often this can be done by writing in a stream of consciousness without judgment. Then allowing the emotions out as you have finally allowed yourself to say what was hidden inside. Let go of what was and while knowing what you value, allow what could bring more worthiness to your journey to guide you forward.
Finally, reach out if you have any questions or thoughts, you’d like to explore with me. I am here to coach you if you would like. The Solar Plexus Chakra is an essential piece to our personal growth journey, connecting within, and feeling empowered. All of these methods will provide profound healing opportunities for you if you choose to do this healing work. If you are reading this, I know you are exploring new ways to heal, and are open to transforming the life you are living. I also know that you know to transform your life you need to start with healing yourself. I am so proud of you for recognizing that very important opportunity!
Welcome to your journey!
Before You Go