The Energetics Behind Money | Empowering Life Goals
Money is a highly sensitive subject for many people, so it makes sense that it is highly sensitive to energy as well. But what does that mean? You heard about the Laws of the Universe being hijacked but now that they are healed for eternity and beyond, is manifesting abundance as simple as raising your vibrations by thinking positive thoughts? Not exactly. I’m going to shed some light on the energetics behind money and how to start decoding the energy you are holding around money.
If you have been reading my stuff you know that I believe setting life goals is essential for intentionally directing your life and creating a life you love. The life goals you set, intentionally empower the quality of life you desire, the relationships you want, and so much more. When you have a clear picture of what you want your life goals to look like, you find it easier to intentionally take action to make it happen. The Ultimate Life Goal Journal helps guide you as you define your life goals, bringing clarity and motivation to make them happen.
The Energetics Behind Money
While affirmations can work to heal energy, they need to target the specific intention you are desiring to heal AND you need to believe in what you are saying to yourself. If you are only stating positive affirmations but aren’t energetically changing anything else in your life then you can say these positive affirmations 24/7 and still repel money. So what is the answer? That is the golden question and the answer lies in how you are manifesting and the energetics you are holding behind money.
Manifesting happens when you are guided with precision by the Divine and you are empowering yourself to work with the Divine to create the manifestations you desire. Releasing expectations for how the abundance comes and the impatience around the timeline is becoming aligned with your manifested intentions. It simply will be.
This can happen when you are missing a friend, and the friend calls you up to chat.
Or when you silently state that an expense won’t be an issue and will be taken care of, only to receive a gift in the near future that had divine timing.
Or your basement is flooding and you need it fixed, only to see an ad that talks about a possible solution that is inexpensive for you. You take action and the water is no longer a problem.
Manifesting isn’t always connected to money. Manifesting is possible in many areas of your life, and seeing it in action, and playing with it is so FUN!
So why is manifesting money sometimes so hard to do?
What is the difference between other things that matter and money?
Matter is the physical experience of energy. Money is matter, just like dance shoes are matter, friendships are matter, and basement repairs are matter.
After all, energy is everything, and experience is energy.
The only difference is the years of money beliefs you are carrying and they are influencing the energetics behind your money.
Typical Money Beliefs or Blocks
Do you feel like you are proficient at repelling money? Does money come for a bit, then go away again? Is it hard to save money, to earn money?
You are not alone! There are some standard money beliefs or blocks that most people resonate with deeply. The good news is these are all beliefs that can be broken, and even though they are beliefs we learned growing up, they don’t need to define our future. As you read this list, I’d like you to pay attention to your Center of Worth, your gut feelings, and see which ones resonate with you. Write them down, because they will provide you with a clearer picture of your personal money story.
We don’t come from money, never have.
You have to sacrifice too much to get money…time, relationships, health.
Money is the root of all evil.
Do the right thing and the money will sort out.
I can see money in the future.
Money grows on trees.
We aren’t lucky enough to have that money tree.
Money can’t buy happiness.
I never have extra money.
I can never find the money when I need it.
It’s only money.
Money is meant to be spent.
Only the selfish focus on money.
The rich are spoiled and raise silver-spooned children.
It is either chasing the money or doing what I love, but I can’t have both.
Money brings trouble.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Only the elite few can be rich.
It’s not in the cards for people like me to be rich.
I can’t be wealthy because I don’t have money.
Looking at Your Energetics Behind Money
Now that you’ve found a few money beliefs that resonated with you, I want you to look at your bank accounts and really look at them. What are your energetics behind those accounts? Are you desperately try to save every nickel because there is never enough money? Or is there a calmness knowing that money easily flows into your life?
What has been your money story up until today? Write it down and really look at it. Acknowledge it as it was. Then I want you to do some research and find someone in the world that defied the money belief you are holding onto.
For example, are there any rich people in the world that give back and make a positive impact in the world? Are there any people in the world that have grown up in poor situations that are doing very well for themselves? Does money always bring trouble, or would it make life easier for you?
We are living in a society where we need money to live comfortably. Are you holding disrespectful energetics when it comes to money? Are you buying things that don’t matter to you, but are to please others?
Do you believe that wealth is only related to financial stability, or do you know that living a wealthy life is defined by the quality of life you are manifesting for yourself?
There are a few things you can do to flip your money story around. Once you write your money story, look at what you can do to change the energy around your money.
For example, if you are finding money flows out just a fast as it does coming into your account look at the belief you are holding onto. Maybe you grew up hearing “We aren’t lucky enough to have that money tree”, or you find yourself saying “I can never find enough money”. The energetics behind your money are repelling extra money from coming in and repelling the money from staying.
What is the reason you are saving your money? Is it for a life goal that enhances your impact on the world or improves your quality of life? Or is it “just in case something happens”?
You might be finding yourself buying stuff that doesn’t matter to your life goals, and you feel bad spending that money. How you feel about that purchase is energy.
Taking Action to Improve Your Energetics Behind Money
Once you have your money story and are starting to see how you connect energetically with money, you have done most of the hard work in turning your energy around. Being honest with yourself isn’t always easy so good job taking this step! Next, I want you to intentionally take action to reverse the energy that wasn’t working for you.
For example, instead of avoiding your bank account, look at it. Instead of having your spouse deal with the bills, you pay some of them. Before making a purchase, feel the energy around that purchase. This could be as simple as when you are purchasing your groceries. Instead of thinking about having to spend money and your account depleting, think about having money to buy food for your family, and what a blessing that is in this moment. The former thoughts had negative energy, but the latter thoughts were filled with gratitude for having money.
Taking intentional action to change the energetics you have around money will make a positive impact on your financial future. It’s not just about affirmations, it is being honest about the beliefs you have about money, seeing how those beliefs impact your actions, and then changing your actions to flip the energy when necessary. When you can do this, you are well on your way to achieving your life goals and creating a life you love.
Before You Go