Learn to slow down your Christmas season and enjoy the time with the family. Refocus your traditions to what matters most and enjoy this time of year. #christmastraditions #simplechristmas #familymatters #freerecipe #busymoms #workingmothers #seekingsimplelife
Hygge Journey,  Manifesting for Life

How to Simplify Christmas | Creating Memories Instead

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I used to stress about Christmas and spend more time planning and preparing for it rather than enjoying the holiday. Learning how to simplify Christmas and spend time creating memories instead was the best decision I could have made.

Years ago my Christmas preparations used to include a long list of things to do. After all, the perfect Mom does the holiday decor, baking, annual Christmas letters, cards to make and send out, the family Christmas photo, shopping for everyone, and planning the meal. Oh and don’t forget to plan a get-together for family and friends.

It was endless stress. Add this to work obligations, Christmas concerts, and kid activities it was just too overwhelming for me. If you are the Mom that can balance it all my hat is off to you. Seriously!

For me, I just ended up being a ball of emotions. The closer Christmas came the more annoyed I’d be for not getting what I needed to get done finished. The kids would be super excited and I had no patience left. It wasn’t really fair to them when it was me that had unrealistic expectations of what I could do.

How to Simplify Christmas

It started small, but my husband would tell me that something I was stressing about wasn’t necessary this year. It’s silly, but it took that single comment to give me permission to let it go off my endless to-do list.

Over the years, we simplified our family schedule in December to have 3 main items:

  1. the must-have events (ones we can’t say no to)
  2. family fun activities
  3. black-out days with no plans (ones that stay that way to slow life down)

We simplified the Christmas budget and Santa never brought the big gifts. We started early in the year to put money away for Christmas and special events.

We’ve also spent many years trimming the expectations as to what we need to do versus what we can do if we have the time and the budget. In the end, I’ve tried to focus on what matters to us, spending time with our kids and with each other. If we focus on that then that’s all that matters. All of the holiday decor, baking, cards, letters, and get-togethers don’t matter if we can’t enjoy spending time with those we love.

Simple Secrets I’ve Learned

Here are a few little secrets that I’ve figured out over the years:

  1. if you don’t have the time or the skill to bake, the stores or local bakeries will work in a pinch.
  2. if you don’t have time to write the cards and letters this year, it’s okay life still goes on (and you can use the cards next year, saving you money – my personal excuse from last year and maybe this year too)
  3. sometimes saying no is okay when you need a family night at home in your pajamas.
  4. keeping Christmas simple and not too busy is way more enjoyable and less stressful.

Christmas for us is about the family connection. We used to do all the extras then over time my husband would simply say that it wasn’t necessary for us to enjoy the day. My type-A personality took a while to come around, but finally, my stress and anxiety about making the perfect holiday would listen to him, and more often than not, he was right.

Our boys are coming home for Christmas this year. It’s not for any specific item on the menu or for the gifts (they will probably tell me they don’t need anything). However, they will be expecting family game nights and I can’t wait (even though they kick my butt!).

Here’s wishing you a simple Christmas prep this year and many memories with the family! Don’t forget to download the Free Simplifying Christmas Guide available now.










Before You Go


Learn to slow down your Christmas season and enjoy the time with the family. Refocus your traditions to what matters most and enjoy this time of year. #christmastraditions #simplechristmas #familymatters #freerecipe #busymoms #workingmothers #seekingsimplelife

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