Life boring? Feeling unproductive? Want more from life? Learn how to get out of a rut and create the life you want. #careeradvice #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #seekingsimplelife
Manifesting for Life

How To Get Out Of A Rut | Create The Life You Want

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When you are feeling like life is going nowhere, it can be hard to figure out how to get out of a rut. I heard this analogy the other night and it struck a chord with me.

There are two definitions for “rut”:

  1. a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive
  2. a long deep track made by the repeated passage of objects over time

When we think about being in a rut we think about the first definition and how we often feel unproductive or bored with life. Feeling this way often brings on thoughts of failure and we become discouraged.

The second definition has a deeper meaning than just the physical appearance of a rut made in the ground over time. That simple pathway suggests that many people have been down that path before, same as you. 

You aren’t alone. 

We’ve all been there too.

You may also notice that not everyone is stuck in this same rut. Some found a way forward, a way out of the rut. You can figure out how to get out of the rut as well, so you can create the life you want.

How To Get Out Of A Rut

When I think about being stuck in a rut I often think of advice my own Grandfathers would give us when life was hard or messy. The first fits this article perfectly.

You must never say Whoa in a tough spot. Keep going and figure out how to get out of a rut, so you can create the life you want.

Life might be tough at times, but you need to keep moving forward. It might be hard, but if you find a way to keep going then you will get out of the rut. The key is to keep trying!

The second bit of advice is perfect for those of us that are frozen by perfectionism.

It will all come out in the wash. It may be a dirty wash, but it will all come out just the same. Life can be messy, but you can learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Create the life you want.

Soak that one up for a moment.

This is one of those nuggets from life’s experiences that just hits you in the face when you are anxious or in a panic about something that isn’t going as planned.

Grandpa was saying, life happens (it all comes out in the wash). When life gets messy (dirty wash), that’s okay just learn from it and move forward.

The BIG Picture when learning how to get out of a rut is:

  • that you figure out what isn’t working for YOU,
  • brainstorm ideas for getting out of the rut,
  • and move forward.
  • if it doesn’t work as planned, then learn from those mistakes and continue moving forward.

Never give up!

Create the life you want, because YOU ARE WORTH IT!









Before You Go


Life boring? Feeling unproductive? Want more from life? Learn how to get out of a rut and create the life you want. #careeradvice #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #seekingsimplelife


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