Barriers Challenging Your Success | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
Have you set goals and struggled to keep them? Were you left wondering what happened? Puzzled as to why you keep failing? Understanding the potential barriers challenging your success will help you plan for your success.
This is the second article of a four-part series. If you are following along with the series, welcome back! If this is your first time joining us, welcome! The other articles in the series are:
- Rediscovering Your Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Barriers Challenging Your Success | Goal Setting and Tracking Series (this one)
- Creating a Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Tracking the Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
Last week you rediscovered your passions in life and set your long-term goals using The Ultimate Life Goal Journal sent to your email inbox. In that first article, we discussed how goals and passions don’t have to be about careers. It is about creating the life you want.
When striving to create the life you want, you are looking at the big picture not just your career. We also discussed how thinking outside the box will help open your mind to new possibilities.
Today, we are going to use your 1-year goals and dig into what might stop you from achieving them or slow your progress.
Potential Barriers Challenging Your Success
Barriers come in many forms and over many areas of your life. No one’s barriers are exactly the same so they can be challenging to figure out. Understanding yourself and your relationships will help this process.
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The most common areas that barriers exist are shown in the picture below: career, health, wealth, personal development, social life, and relationships.
When identifying potential barriers challenging your success, you need to look at each 1-year goal and think about what might stop you or slow down your progress. Work through each life area and write down what comes to mind.
No judgments are allowed during this process. How you are going to overcome these will come after this session.
Here are some trigger questions that might help get you started:
- Do you need to change something or do something career-related to make your 1-year vision a reality?
- How are your habits? Are there any you need to change?
- Are your routines helping or hurting your progress?
- Do you need to make some changes to your physical fitness, so you can be ready for something big?
- How about learning how to budget or invest, so you can meet your financial goals?
- Do you need to grow personally to overcome a limiting factor in your life?
- What about those social circles? Are they limiting you or affecting your health or wealth? Are there negative influences affecting your goals?
- How are your relationships now? How do you react in situations?
Start Identifying Your Barriers Today!
Taking the time to think through the potential barriers challenging your success, is extremely important. These are roadblocks that make goals so hard.
They may be bad habits you currently have or routines that just aren’t making you very productive towards your dreams. Maybe your nightly routine of watching television is taking up too much time and you aren’t making time for other important goals you have.
Or maybe you are constantly “doing all the things” and aren’t taking the time to nurture your relationships or take care of yourself. Maybe you have a social circle that doesn’t understand the direction you want your life to go.
Whatever the potential barriers are, they will help you create a solid plan so that you can be successful.
What could stop you from living the life you want next year?
Articles in the Goal Setting & Tracking Series:
- Rediscovering Your Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Barriers Challenging Your Success | Goal Setting and Tracking Series (this one)
- Creating a Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Tracking the Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
These next articles dig deeper into The Ultimate Life Goal Journal to help you plan for success and track those successes, all with a clear understanding of the barriers you might be facing. Join us for the next 2 weeks as we continue to roll out the Goal Setting & Tracking Series.
Before You Go