Rediscovering Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
Have you been asking yourself, “what do I want to be when I grow up?”. Don’t feel bad, rediscovering passions is a cycle many adults repeat regularly.
Figuring out what you want out of your life is a journey many of us revisit over the years. We ask ourselves what more we can do in life to feel fulfilled or successful. Wondering what more there is in life, or if we are on the right path.
This is the first of a four-part Goal Setting & Tracking Series. Welcome! The other articles can be found here:
- Rediscovering Your Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series (this one)
- Potential Barriers Challenging Your Success | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Creating a Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Tracking the Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
Teens aren’t the only people stressed about these life decisions and creating relevant goals for their life. Many people are openly admitting to feeling lost, unhappy, bored, frustrated, or unfulfilled in their life. They are searching for that one thing that they are passionate about.
The truth is you know your passion, but are too busy ignoring it to accept it. Mark Manson summed it up quite nicely when he said that many times we ignore or dismiss our passions as not worthy enough to pursue. Why not?
Rediscovering Passions
Have you ever dismissed something you love doing as something worth pursuing more of, just because “you can’t make money doing it”?
The world is a funny place. Years ago no one thought you could make money snowboarding or skateboarding. There are a few successful people proving people wrong today.
What about online influencers? Old school people are quick to judge people working to build their online audience by saying they can’t make money playing video games or making youtube videos. Again, people are doing those things successfully today.
Here’s another thought. What if what you were passionate about, didn’t need to create an income for you? What if you could live a fulfilled life working a day-to-day job with good people, and get fulfillment outside of work hours?
Whoa! I know, right?
The key to rediscovering passions is through education. I’m not talking about school or college. I’m not even talking about a self-help book. You need to educate yourself, about yourself.
Self-reflection is the First Step
The only person that can answer where your passions lie or what direction your life needs to go, is Y.O.U.
Taking time out of your day to reflect on your life and yourself is the only way to start this process.
Even if you know what your passion is, it is good practice to do some self-reflection to remind yourself where to focus and realign your actions with your life’s BIG picture.
I’ve created a template to help you through this process. It’s a 55-page life goal resource and will be sent directly to your email inbox, called The Ultimate Life Goal Journal. The journal has valuable questions to help you through this self-reflection. Remember though, as you grow and move through life the answers to these questions will change.
Setting Long-Term Goals
After you have figured out the vision for what you’d like your life to look like, then it’s time to put that into perspective and start taking some action!
What do you want to achieve in 3-years, 2-years and 1 year from today? What will life look like? Will your career look the same but you will be spending more free time doing things you enjoy? Or will your career be slowly transitioned to look completely different than today?
The Ultimate Life Goal Journal, mentioned above, includes worksheets to help you map out these long-term goals. When you are thinking about these goals for your life, it doesn’t have to be huge career changes. Maybe you miss extra-curricular sports. Or maybe your life has become too isolated and lonely.
Rediscovering passions and finding ways to integrate them into our lives by setting goals is the first step to improving life. It is more than just careers. The goal is to love the life you are living.
We only get one life to live. Let’s make the best of it!
Articles in the Goal Setting & Tracking Series:
- Rediscovering Your Passions | Goal Setting and Tracking Series (this one)
- Potential Barriers Challenging Your Success | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Creating a Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
- Tracking the Success Plan | Goal Setting and Tracking Series
These next articles dig deeper into the Goal Setting & Tracking Bundle to help you plan for success and track those successes, all with a clear understanding of the barriers you might be facing. Join us for the next 3 weeks as we roll out the Goal Setting & Tracking Series.
Before You Go